the Alarm sound of gunfire reached the police department, at nine o’clock in the morning. Multiple shots were heard fired, and at a location in a residential area, was found with a bullet injury it. A lot of people during the day have been taken in for questioning.

the 15-time is announced by the prosecutor’s office that a person has been arrested, suspected of commission of attempt at murder. At the latest on Monday at 12 noon (need of the prosecutor to decide whether the detained person should be released or requested to be remanded in custody, said the prosecutor’s office, on their website. The person who was holding the weapon, however, is still on the loose.

Slide 1 of 2 : the Police technician on-site in a residential area. Photo: Magnus Hallgren Slide 2 of 2 : Police investigating the alleged scene of the crime with the other dogs. Photo credit: Kevin Chang for Slideshow

The skottskadade the man was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where he underwent surgery. For the 14th time, according to the hospital to dagens nyheter, that the skadeläge is in serious, but stable.

and the talbar, when the police and ambulance arrived at the scene.

“We were able to talk with the injured party, but are the results there, we can’t tell you, but we’ve been able to get some information,” says Anna, he says.

Aetmat Eismael work in the neighborhood and happened to pass by the scene shortly after the shooting had taken place. Two of the people had come to the wounded man and tried to help him out.

” It happened so fast. He was on the ground with my head against the wall. As a woman, and a man was with him, and there was blood on the head of him, ” she said.

on the ground, ” says Aetmat Eismael.

” the Police arrived first. The ambulance arrived about three minutes later. I heard him say, ”It hurts”.

A large area blocked off by the alleged scene of the crime. Photo credit: Kevin Chang,
the Incident shocked many of the residents in a residential area. It took place when many were on their way to work, and many were a witness to the aftermath of the shooting.

for Mr Romero, who is working in the vicinity of the alleged crime scene, says to DN that he was skottskadade be located outdoors, next to a house wall.

“I saw him do a thumbs-up toward the revenge,” he said.

the DN spoke with and who came out on the street shortly after the shooting, saw the man lying bleeding on the pavement.

” the police are already there, they arrived before the ambulance, and a police officer was left in his stomach to stop the blood flow. He was alert and talking, ” says a witness to the ROTOR. 00:29. is One of the first witnesses on the scene saw the person in question, man. “He also told the police that he was in pain,” said Aaetmad Eismal to the ROTOR.

it used to be a lawyer, and has worked with a number of major objectives. The secretary-general of the Mia Edwall Insulander confirmed to the DN that it is one of their members has shot.

” I haven’t heard a word about what has happened in the past. I don’t know that a lawyer has been shot down on this sort of thing. So, it is, of course, very, very seriously, ” says Mia Edwall Insulander.

The secretary-general of the Mia Edwall Insulander Photo credit: Anette Nantell

given that he has been a threat to him. He has, on several occasions, notified the person and asked for a restraining order. The threat must not have any connection to his work.

the Police announced that it is currently handling the assassination attempt as an isolated incident, but it has no known connection to the recent spate of violent crime.

“We do not see any connection to the crime that has been, in the very near future, between the criminal groups and individuals,” says Anna, he says.

If the shooting is linked to the threats he received, or to his profession as a lawyer to the police is not the answer.

” We can’t comment on any motivbilden other than that, it’s too early in the investigation. However, we are working to compile all of the information, ” says Anna, he says.
the Link for the graphic

A forensic analysis is done on the spot, and when the ROTOR’s team which searched for one of the police technicians in white protective clothing trails at your doorstep. The police have also taken part in outreach in the local area in order to collect the data.

A preliminary investigation of attempted murder has begun.
