A 28-year-old woman was without fault, that the young cyclist Andreas Byskov Sarbo lost their lives during a time trial in cycling, the Tour de Ascension of the 31. may of last year.

It is apparent from the grounds of the judgment in the case, as the Court in Aarhus has published on its website on Wednesday.

the Accident happened at the intersection between Drammelstrupvej and Ballevej in the Bale outside of the Odder. It was here that the 18-year-old Andreas Byskov Sarbo, who was considered to be a talent, påkørt head-on by the woman and lost his life.

the Verdict in the case was handed down on Monday this week. Here was the woman, who was accused of manslaughter and of neglecting the essential interests of road safety, sentenced to a fine of 1500 dollars.

The relatively modest penalty attracted, among other things, on the social media a certain stir and wonder.

In connection with the decision would be the Court of Aarhus by telephone only to inform the judgment – not its terms. Defense attorney Camilla Ernst did not want to comment on the matter.

Therefore therefore asked the Court of Aarhus on access to documents in the judgment. The court informs that it has received several similar requests, and that it therefore has chosen to publish the judgment.

Of the premisses, it is apparent that the woman was acquitted of the most serious charges, including the charge of manslaughter.

the Woman is only judged to have overlooked two temporary signs in connection with that she swung to the left at Ballevej.

This one was a temporary set up the sign prohibiting the left turn, and which was located on the sidewalk. The second was a homemade “one-way”sign.

however, the Court considers that the signing at the site, incidentally, was so bad that the woman could not be convicted for having infringed the essential interests of road safety.

The signs which should warn, that the line was one-way, was immediately visible, when you came from the direction in which the woman did.

they were located in The low height, about 60 inches above the ground, parallel with the road.

On the spot were also two trafikvagter from the national Guard. The two sat at the junction in each of its festivalstol, and according to the woman’s explanation, which the court has given for the judgment, so they did not the signs that the woman may not swing down Ballevej.

the Guards have a different explanation. The problem is just that their explanations are different, and the court held, therefore, that they could form the basis for judging the woman.

Besides, one of the guards in his explanation of the several features supported the woman’s explanation.

the Woman is therefore only convicted of a simple violation of traffic laws, namely to have overlooked the two signs, and it is this which has triggered a fine of 1500 dollars.

the Prosecution has two weeks from the date of judgment to consider whether to appeal against the judgment of the Vestre Landsret.

See also: Fear of the virus: the bike Race canceled

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