The harshness that was spared the Prime Minister of Pedro Sánchez in the reply to the speech of Ramón Tamames as a candidate for the Vox motion of censure was lavished by the investiture partners. PNB, ERC, Bildu and the rest of the minority groups in Congress agreed to criticize the veteran economist who, with his career and his intellectual background, has lent himself to being a “chorister” of the ultra-right, in words by Aitor Esteban.

The spokesperson of the Basque group was particularly harsh with Tamames, as were the one from Compromís, Joan Baldoví; the one from Més País, Íñigo Errejón, or the one from ERC, Gabriel Rufián. And they all agreed to regret that he did not realize that “the signatories of his supposed candidacy have used him” to put the face to an exercise of “anti-politics” and “discrediting democracy”.

The Jeltzal leader described the motion of censure as “illegitimate”, even if it is legal, and called Tamames a “gloomy figure” and a “partisan brush”. He also reproached him for his political career since he was a candidate of the PCE for the mayor of Madrid until today, and for speaking without data to point out the “overrepresentation” that in his opinion the nationalist parties have. “It is not academic to affirm without being based”, Esteban told him.

Esteban equated Tamames with the ship selling butane with the name of the economist, from the Cepsa company, whose captain claimed to have seen more than 50 UFOs in the Mediterranean and which ended up scrapped in Mexico. Or when he used a range of colors to summarize his political career: “The color of the ship when it began its singling was red, it changed color and ended its days painted black, a dark black like the shirts blacks from the Italian fascist friends who present him here today”, Esteban stressed.

From ERC, Rufián also reprimanded him for choosing this political episode to end his career, going from “red” to “faxa”: “You have gone from the ‘red antes que rota’ to the ”antes facha que rota” and it’s a shame, because you can grow old like Maruja Torres or you can grow old like you”, the Republican spokesman let go.

Rufián questioned the political coherence of Tamames based on his career and the ultra curriculum of some of the leaders of Vox: “What does this have to do with anti-Franco, constitutionalist or the spirit of the transition?”, he questioned .

But he also sent a message to the central government about the “background melody” that moves this motion of censure. The “abandonment” by the Government that believes it is part of the citizenry, and for whom the representatives of Vox “are not fascists” but “patriots”. After asking Sánchez to give “solutions” to the “disappointing” population, he warned him that the Executive “will not be kicked out by a motion, it will be inflation”.

Bildu’s spokeswoman, Metxe Aizpurua, reproached Tamames for “vanity” for representing in Congress “the discourse of hatred and the exclusion of the different”, a “historical mistake” for having become the defender and spokesperson of the ultra-right”.

Joan Baldoví ( Compromís ) reprimanded the candidate for letting himself be carried away by the “intellectual indigence” of the “heirs of Blas Piñar”, and Errejón put his finger on the wound of the PP by paraphrasing that the deputies of Vox “are his crows” and that, therefore, “it is his eyes that are in danger”.

Among the rest of the Catalan groups, Junts used its turn to accuse the PSOE of encouraging the “circus” of the Vox motion to cover up the Pegasus case and silence the visit this week to Spain of the MEPs investigating this case. While from PDECat Ferran Bel redirected the focus to Vox, to “prostitute politics” using the “constitutional institution” that the motion of censure entails to generate “anxiety and distrust” in politics.

Teruel Existeix, Coalició Canària and PRC staged their vote against: “They have forgotten a lot of Spain”, proclaimed the Cantabrian deputy José María Mazón. And BNG deputy Néstor Rego ignored Tamames and called Vox’s project “Spanish supremacist, racist, sexist and homophobic”.