The highway opened up again: Five people injured

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Helsingørmotorvejen is once again open after a crash early Saturday afternoon.

the Highway was blocked after a crash, which was reported to the police at 13.12. Five persons were subsequently taken to hospital.

the Highway was not completely blocked – but that was only possible to run in track a.

‘Decrease speed and give space to police and emergency’, writes the police on Twitter.

the Accident occurred between junctions four and five.

– It is a Swedish registered car with five people running in the ditch of unknown causes. All five are taken to hospital, tells David Buch, on duty at the north Zealand Police.

Police are not yet familiar with the five seater mode.

Foto: Jan Sommer

an image from the crash site, they can be seen, that there has been a bulge in the autoværnet.

– the Car has somehow been up on autoværnet, says the officer.

Ekstra person on the spot can tell, to have been five or six ambulances to the present where færdselsuheldet happened.

the Police should, according to Ekstra issued have begun to make technical measurements of the crash site. It seems that they are working in a ditch on the other side of the autoværnet.

Police confirm that a bilinspektør the present is to examine what has happened prior to the accident.

the Extra Leaf later on Saturday, has been in contact with the north Zealand Police, who say that you don’t yet know how serious it is to the injured persons.

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