You don’t need to go against the warmer climes, if you want to experience a genuine fugleedderkop.

on the island of Bornholm thrive tapetseredderkoppen actually so good that it now also has spread to other parts of Denmark.

It is even the perfect time of year to go looking for the spider, which is extra active at the moment, writes the Danish Radio. You can spot the males from late august until the frost hit, while the females spend their entire lives in caves 20 to 30 centimeters under the ground.

If you look at it, one should not be afraid, assesses naturformidler and author Michael Stoltze.

– It is not dangerous for other than bænkebiddere and flies, says Michael Stoltze, describing the approximately two centimeter long spider as ‘cute’.

From august until the frost framework, the males, however, on the hunt for a better half. It is here that one can be so lucky to meet a tapetseredderkop. However, one should not expect too much.

– It is unusual to see the actual spider. However, you can see the top of its stay in sollune places in lyngfyldte fields and by the side of the stone, says Michael Stoltze

the Estate was, according to the expert look like a small branch or a dogshit.