the future Prospects of the insects on the globe, sees the serious out. Very serious.
It strikes a biologist and professor at the University of Sussex in the Uk Dave Goulson fixed in a new major report with the name ‘Insect declines and why they matter’.
In the 41-page long report is the worrying conclusion that 41 percent of the world’s insects are in danger of being destroyed, and it can have serious consequences. Also for people.
– If this massive decline continues, the consequences are enormous. Three-quarters of our crops are dependent, that they are pollinated by insects. This would mean that the cultivation of the crops will fail.
– for Example, we will not have things like strawberries anymore. We can’t feed the 7.5 billion people without insects, says Dave Goulson to CNN.
in Addition, it is estimated in the report that the number of vertebrate animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds red.) has fallen by 60 percent from 1970 to 2014.
In the report points to the authors that the reasons for the coming apocalypse are many and open to debate, but nevertheless mentions Dave Goulson decline of places where animals and insects can live, pesticides and climate change, as the three biggest culprits.
But it is not too late.
According to Dave Goulson, it is crucial that we stop using pesticides, and we must try to create insektvenlige places in nature, so they can find a place to stay.