Copenhagen Police confirm to news agency Ritzau, that the three editors and seven journalists are charged with breaking navneforbud. The police will not disclose further.

The media, as editor and journalists working at, is not mentioned.

Jacob Nybroe, editor in chief of Jyllands-Posten, confirms to Ekstra Bladet, that four of the newspaper is among the accused.

– It is true that Jyllands-Posten is among the accused, media. Jyllands-Posten editor-in-chief is one of them, and it is me. We also have three editorial staff, who have worked with the case and is accused, in this regard, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

Jacob Nybroe got the message from the Copenhagen Police yesterday. Jacob Nybroe is still considering how he reacts to the charge.

Editor-in-chief at Jyllands-Posten, Jacob Nybroe, and three of the newspaper’s journalists are among the accused. Photo: Morten Lau-Nielsen

Also editor-in-chief of Weekendavisen, Martin Krasnik, and two of the newspaper’s journalists are among the accused.

It confirms he Berlingske.

Apparently, the Extra Magazine is not among the accused.

as far As I know, we are not aiming to break any navneforbud, ” says Poul Madsen, executive editor-in-chief of Ekstra Bladet.

Ritzau learns that there is talk of a breach of navneforbud in the case of millionsvindel in the national board of social services, where a former employee, Britta Nielsen, is under indictment.

Her children are also charged in the case, but is not yet indicted. To begin with they were protected by a navneforbud, and according to Ritzaus information is a breach of navneforbuddet against Britta Nielsen’s daughters.

the Daughters were, according to the order of the court; navneforbud 11. October 2018. It was repealed 14. november of the same year in Extra Magazine’s request, and the daughters stood up on TV with their explanation.

112 – 14. nov. 2018 – at. 13:23 Brittas daughters face forward: Can well understand it works extremely

the Danish policy – 14. nov. 2018 – at. 13:12 Navneforbud repealed: Britta Nielsen’s daughters charged with receiving stolen goods

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with one of døtrenes lawyers, who knew nothing of the matter.

Copenhagen Police will not disclose details of the case, and did not want to indicate what media that is charged.

the Case is not the only one, where Police have raised charges against journalists. Ritzau is familiar with a number of cases, where journalists from the national media has been charged.

firstly, on charges of publishing information from a closed session and partly on the charges of violating a ban on liveblogge from a court hearing.

Ritzau has requested the Copenhagen Police requested access to, how many of the type of litigation that is currently pending.

It is not the first time that a case of navneforbud steals the image in connection with Britta Nielsen case.

Lawyer Henrik Dupont Jørgensen, formerly a defender for Britta Nielsen’s son, Jimmy Hayat, even came to break it navneforbud that protected his client in a TV appearance.

the Clip, which shows the unfortunate moment, went subsequent viral.

– People were to discover it, it was wild. The people I met on the street asked if I wanted to do selfies with them, says Henrik Dupont Jørgensen.

He had, however, already agreed with its client that they would not protest against the repeal of the navneforbud, so Jimmy Hayat took the episode nicely.

– Subsequently, there were people who said that I should just have said ’yes, as I have chosen to call him in the evening’, but my place on the poker team was smoked, says Henrik Dupont Jørgensen.

He invalidates that he has something to do with the notification of the ten members of the media, in the pending case.