the 17-year-old Alyssa Michelle Hatcher from the state of Florida in the UNITED states now sits behind lock and key.

She is accused of attempt to have his parents killed by an assassin.

the Teenager, according to CNN have stolen what amounts to approximately dkk 10,000 from the parents ‘ bank account, which she has used to lead its plans for contract killings out in life.

She paid the first, a friend about. 2.700 dollars to carry out the murders, but when nothing happened, paid the she is a different person around 6,000 dollars for the same.

According to the media admitted the 17-year-old teen, when she was arrested Monday, that she had paid to have his parents killed. In addition, she recognized to have used some of the stolen money on cocaine.

the Parents of Alyssa Michelle Hatcher is not come the something to in her attempt to get them killed. They have chosen to bring proceedings against their daughter, which so far is sitting in pre-trial detention up to 3. October, where she will be for the court.

so far, it does not come forward, why the 17-year-old wanted his parents dead.