Sumar has announced the distribution of the six parliamentary committees that he will chair in the Congress of Deputies. Two of them will be led by Yolanda Díaz’s formation, another two by the common ones, one Izquierda Unida and another Podemos. Specifically, that of Social Rights and Consumption, which will be headed by the Gran Canarian deputy Noemí Santana.

The distribution has been unanimously agreed upon by the leadership of the group in which none of the five purple deputies appear and, according to sources from the confederal space, “it includes the requests of the political forces that are represented in a fair and balanced manner.”

The leadership of the parliamentary group has taken into account the previous parliamentary work and the sectoral knowledge of the deputies for the distribution of the commission quota agreed with the PSOE, which, finally, is as follows.

The Budget commission falls on Carlos Martín, who was director of the economic cabinet of CCOO, and one of Díaz’s signings for the 23J elections, while the Health commission will be chaired by Agustín Santos, former ambassador of Spain to the UN and another of the names on which the second vice president of the Government opted for the elections.

Catalunya en Comú is left with Work, Social Economy, Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, which will also be chaired by the first deputy spokesperson Aina Vidal. And with Culture, which will fall to Gerardo Pisarello, first secretary of the Congress Board.

Engracia Rivera, from Izquierda Unida, will be on the joint commission for the coordination and monitoring of the Spanish Strategy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. And, finally, Social Rights and Consumption will be chaired by Noemí Santana (Vamos), who was Minister of Social Rights in the Canary Islands.