The first survey that contemplates Sumar as a political option for the next general elections places Yolanda Díaz’s project ahead of Podemos and both formations separately obtain an increase in the vote estimate. These are the main conclusions of the Simple Lógica survey for, in which the Popular Party remains in the lead with almost two points ahead of the PSOE.

If the elections to choose the representatives of the Congress of Deputies were held today, the political force led by the second vice president of the Government would burst in with 9.7% of the votes. Podemos, for its part, now with Ione Belarra as the head of the party, would be behind Yolanda Díaz with an estimate of 6.3%.

The sum of the parties separately would achieve 16% of the votes, a notably better result than the one that the polls have recently given to Unidas Podemos as a single formation, and would also exceed the percentage of the 2019 elections. However, a separate point increase is not necessarily equivalent to an increase in deputies, due to the distribution of seats provided for in the current electoral system.

The Simple Lógica survey was carried out between April 3 and 12; that is, just after Yolanda Díaz’s act in Madrid in which she confirmed her candidacy for the general elections.

Sumar would be the fourth force in the Lower House according to this survey, which is led by the Popular Party with an estimate of 28.1% of the votes. Alberto Núñez Feijóo loses 0.7% of support compared to the same poll in March, but maintains an advantage of almost two points over the PSOE due to a similar drop in the Socialists (who went from 27% to 26.2% ). Even so, the survey reflects a downward trend in the PP, which in January stood at 30% and had a cushion of three points.

Vox would be the third party in Congress, but would not see the motion of no confidence led by the economist Ramón Tamames translated into votes. The far-right formation would remain at 15.4% of support (similar to the result of four years ago, when those of Santiago Abascal added 15%).

Ciudadanos, for their part, has not been able to refloat their electoral expectations despite the refoundation process and the change of direction, and continues with 2% of the votes, far from the 6.8% that Inés Arrimadas signed in the last electoral contest.

Regarding political leaders, Yolanda Díaz remains the best valued, with 40.4% of respondents who approve of her. She is closely followed by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, who achieves a 38% pass rate. The leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón, and the leader of the United Left and consumer minister, Alberto Garzón, go ahead of the popular Núñez Feijóo in this ranking, which receives the approval of 21.1% of those surveyed. This data represents a fall to half the popularity that she had a year ago.