The head of the court of inquiry 20 in Barcelona has accepted the complaint promoted by the real estate company Juninmo which accuses the mayor of alleged institutional pressures to prevent the eviction of a vulnerable tenant. Ada Colau already has another open case of a similar nature presented by an investment fund, apart from investigations of a different nature. The lawsuits against Colau will have the legal consequences they should have, but just before the municipal elections they victimize his candidacy and can act as an (involuntary) vote-getting campaign.

This electoral variant of the Streisand effect also explains the choice of Xavier Trias as prepostconvergent (sic) candidate. The grim ignominy of the fake Swiss account perpetrated against him by the Spanish patriotic police was exchanged for political capital to the point of placing him at the top of a unique electoral list that has retained PDECat’s electoral rights. Still a third candidate has received a counter-campaign. The republican Ernest Maragall has suffered the sordid ignominy of the posters that showed him next to his brother Pasqual with the sign “Fora l’alzheimer de Barcelona”.

They are three quite different cases, but they have one thing in common: they create antibodies that can cause an electoral effect favorable to the victim. Let the analysts analyze the magnitude, but the balance will not be negative. The most immediate conclusion is that only one of the four suitors with the most options to obtain the mayoralty in Barcelona has not yet tasted this Streisand effect. Collboni, you’re late! It is not appropriate that, after resigning, you yourself criticize things done under your government responsibility. Someone else has to attack you, so that you can enjoy the electoral victim bonus track.