The candidates for the presidency in the Catalan elections on May 12 will hold the first electoral debate of the campaign this Friday, organized by La Vanguardia and RAC1.

The debate will be attended by Salvador Illa (PSC), Pere Aragonès (ERC), Josep Rull (for Junts, when the leader of the list Carles Puigdemont is in France), Ignacio Garriga (Vox), Laia Estrada (CUP), Jéssica Albiach (Comuns Sumar ), Carlos Carrizosa (Ciudadanos) and Alejandro Fernández (PPC).

The debate takes place in the ONCE Auditorium in Catalonia and is moderated by Enric Sierra, deputy director of La Vanguardia, and Jordi Basté, director of the radio program El Món a RAC1.

The debate will start at 9 a.m. and candidates from eight political parties participating in the elections on May 12 will participate.

The event coincides with the start of the electoral campaign in Catalonia, which will last until May 10, and can be followed live on RAC1 and streaming on and