the Actors Joaquin Phoenix and Martin Sheen was on Friday arrested in connection with a klimademonstration in Washington. It writes NBC News.

The two were a part of the skuespillerkollegaen Jane Fonda weekly klimaprotest ‘Fire Drill Fridays’ and marchede against the government building Capitol Hill.

Here came the not orders, when the police tried to break the group up and get them to leave the site. According to the media, it all ended, therefore, with a group of people – including the two stjerneskuespillere – were arrested.

Intl. known – 20. nov. 2019 – at. 21:50 Sequel to the film ‘Joker’ is in progress

Martin Sheen took part in Friday’s protest, and it ended with an arrest. Photo: Joshua Roberts/Ritzau Scanpix

by then had Martin Sheen been in the pulpit to speak to the attendees.

– We are encouraged to find something in our lives that is worth fighting for. Something that can lift this nation and all its citizens-to a place where the heart is free of fear, and how you can keep your head high, and where knowledge is free, it sounded from the pulpit.

Martin Sheen is best known for his starring role in the series ‘The West Wing’, in which he played the president of the UNITED states. He received, among other things, six Emmy awards for the role.

Several of the attendees at Friday’s klimaprotest cried ‘our president’ when Martin Sheen walked on to the podium.

Joaquin Phoenix has just won a Golden Globe for best actor in the film ‘Joker’. He is considered by many to be the favorite to win an Oscar in the same category at the awards ceremony in February.

Joaquin Phoenix admitted on Friday klimaprotest, that he himself has a bad conscience about doing too little for the climate.

– I struggle so much with, what I can do sometimes. There are things that I can’t avoid. I took a flight over here yesterday, he says.

– But the one thing I can change is my eating habits, and I urge you all to do together with me, adds the actor, who has gone over to a plant-based diet.

Jane Fonda has held its klimaprotester at the Capitol Hill since October. Friday’s protest was the last in Washington, as the protest now moves on to Los Angeles.