the Waves go high in the debate about the rights of prostitutes, after the government requested a working group, which since January has looked at how the prostitutes terms can be improved.

the Social – and the interior minister, Astrid Krag (S) explains in a consultation on Wednesday that she is not against giving prostitutes more rights. But it should still be closed.

– It’s not that I don’t want to give the vulnerable rights. It’s a crazy record to make it up on the way.

– If you do not believe that there should be access to unemployment benefits, sickness benefits, and retirement savings, so you don’t want there to be rights. It is a uklædelig distortion, says the minister.

At the conciliation believes several members of the blue block, that it is a derogatory way to argue on.

In October, said Astrid Krag, the government will scrap the working group with the participation of eight ministries, was set up under the VLAK-government. Since January has studied how prostitutes can be improved.

the Working group had among other tasks to clarify the options to ensure prostitutes the right to unemployment benefits and sickness benefits.

However, the minister will instead focus on helping prostitutes out of it, there of any is called the world’s oldest profession.

– The argument I hear often, that prostitution will always exist. It is very possible, but it is not a matter of to what extent prostitution, when we see the problems, which very often follows with of having been in prostitution.

– It is a huge problem that society does not provide other solutions to the people who must sell their body for sex, says Astrid Krag.

When the state charges tax on the prostitutes, they should also ensure rights, believes the blue block. It fits well with the social-democratic slogan that rights and duties go hand in hand, sounds skudsmålet.

the Left complains that the working group was closed, because it could have given a broader knowledge, which is not grounded in ideology. Conversely, criticise the minister, to the working group guidelines was for the democrats.

recently, the government entered into a exitpakke of 55 million for the prostitutes.