The Secretary General of the Socialists and President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, defended yesterday that the PSOE “manages the economy better” than the PP and is doing it “without false miracles” and without the help of “telepreachers” ” or “healers”. Sánchez, who intervened in Úbeda at a PSOE conference on the rural world, pointed out that when the Popular Party governed during the 2008 financial crisis “depressed the economy”, while the PSOE shows that “policies can be made expansive, transformational and also square the accounts”.

“It is true that Spain is growing more than the European average, today employment is being created as we have not created during the entire historical series of Social Security and this has nothing to do with healers, nor with televangelists, it has to do with the fact that the PSOE manages the economy better than the Spanish right”, said Sánchez in the courtyard of the Santiago de Úbeda hospital, surrounded by nearly a thousand people.

Sánchez criticized the PP, since while solutions are provided by the Government “they only see problems in each of the solutions”. “They claim to be constitutionalists, but they violate the constitution; they call themselves patriots, but look at how they speak badly of Spain abroad; they call themselves pro-Europeans, but they ignore Brussels’ warnings against their nonsense in Doñana. This is the Spanish right: whoever brags, makes smoke”.

In this regard, he added that the economy needs “good management and not false miracles” and emphasized that “the key is not to respond to the crises”, caused by the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, “but to respond to another way and take advantage to do things better”.

Sánchez dedicated a good part of his speech to the “run over” of Doñana and warned the populists that they have been left alone with “their arrogance” and the “climate denialism” of Vox, since he does not accompany him neither science, nor Unesco, nor “legal” irrigators, worried about reputational damage, nor the European Commission. “If you think that everyone is driving in the opposite direction, except for you, maybe you are the one who is wrong”, and he denounced: “You can have a parliamentary majority, but you do not have the right to destroy a treasure that is world heritage” .

From Úbeda, the president of the Spanish Government pledged that no citizen living in rural areas should travel more than half an hour to access basic services such as education or healthcare, a fact that, in in his opinion, it will make Spain “much better”.

Sánchez, who referred to this commitment as the ’30 minute strategy’, pointed out that “if we believe in social cohesion, if we are champions of territorial cohesion, the commitment we assume as an organization is that we will build a country where there are neither two, nor three nor four speeds. But that citizens, wherever they live, especially in rural areas, have all the essential public services less than 30 minutes away”.