End point after the bad step. Or, at least, full stop. “We are fixing a problem by correcting the unwanted effects of the only yes is yes law, after the Congress vote it will be approved in the Senate next week and it will be a reality very soon”, they conclude in Moncloa after it was staged the split between the PSOE and Unides Podemos for reform, with the PP, which, in any case, they consider “an iconic law of the legislature”.

The Socialists distance themselves from it, they do not see the coalition Government or the majority of the investiture at risk of breaking up, they emphasize that there are already 209 legislative initiatives approved in this mandate, they put all the focus on the 28-M and direct all heavy artillery against the right. Already definitely focused on the campaign for the appointment with the municipal and regional polls – Thursday in Doñana and Córdova, yesterday in Toledo, today in Úbeda and tomorrow in Fuenlabrada, without respite – this is precisely the strategy deployed by Pedro Sánchez. Yesterday, the president tried to turn the uncomfortable page of the clash in the coalition for the reform of the Sexual Freedom law, which he did not even mention, to flag the work of the Government. “Our best guarantee is our management”, assured Sánchez at the rally he led in Toledo yesterday.

“When the left governs, we manage the economy much better than the right”, said the head of the Executive. “This taboo is being broken”, he celebrated.

After the pandemic, and in the midst of the war in Ukraine, Sánchez claimed his management to “grow more than the main European economies and create employment like never before, contain inflation better than our European colleagues and square the public accounts “. Also to reform the pension system and the labor market “with social peace and not with conflict”, as happened to all his predecessors in Spain and now Emmanuel Macron is experiencing in France. And he boasted of the endorsement of the European Commission: “We are the most advanced Government in the execution of European funds”. He also highlighted the warning from Brussels against the claim of the PP in Andalusia, endorsed by Vox, to regularize irrigation in Doñana. “It is the portrait of the Spanish right: isolated in Europe, walled in arrogance and only with climate denialism and anti-Europeanism as allies of the extreme right of Vox”, he cried.

Sánchez raised the tone against the PP, as dictated by the PSOE electoral campaign manual. “This is not about healers or televangelists, or apocalypse, which is what the right prophesies”, he warned. “This goes, simply and plainly, that there is a Government that defends what the majority thinks. Because we defend the general interest, and not the particular interest of those at the top”, he assured.

And he defended, as a service sheet, the revaluation of pensions, the rise of the minimum wage or the strengthened electoral commitment to public housing.

The heat of the rift between the PSOE and Unites Podemos over the reform of the only yes is yes, however, still burns. Minister Ione Belarra, leader of Podem, undertook to emphasize this yesterday, in an event also held in Toledo. “We need to take care of the coalition”, he asked. “And those who are not taking care of the coalition – he said, referring to the PSOE – are those who agreed to a retrogression in women’s rights with the PP”. Belarra insisted that his formation does try to “take care of the heritage of the coalition”, while those who “harm” him are those who ally themselves with the PP.

Minister María Jesús Montero later replicated Belarra’s statements: “It is a good ruler to recognize mistakes and correct them.”