Just after last Sunday’s elections in Euskadi, and on the verge of the polls in Catalonia on May 12, Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo held their weekly face-to-face meeting in the Government control session in the Congress of Deputies. And the President of the Government has taken pride in the result in the Basque elections, where almost 90% of the voters voted for parties that make up the parliamentary majority of the investiture that supports the current legislature – the PNV, EH Bildu, PSE and Sumar. , compared to just 10% who opted for the ballots of the Popular Party or the far-right Vox. “We beat them 9 to 1,” Sánchez highlighted before Feijóo.

“Nine out of ten votes, last Sunday in Euskadi, went to political parties that supported this investiture and this Government and the policies that we are deploying during these months of the legislature,” said Sánchez. “That is the result of the policy of confrontation, destruction, misinformation and hoaxes that they are practicing,” he reproached the PP leader. “We beat them 9 to 1,” he concluded.

Feijóo, who began his speech in the parliamentary session by congratulating the PNV for its electoral victory on Sunday, has attributed to Sánchez the “great result” achieved by EH Bildu, which for the first time tied in seats with the jeltzale party, and has called upon to break his pacts with the nationalist left. The leader of the PP has regretted that the President of the Government congratulates himself on the good electoral result obtained by “an independence party with the terrorist past it has had”, in reference to EH Bildu.

“Spain deserves a president who worries when Bildu goes up, not who toasts it,” the PP leader rebuked the head of the Executive. And he has reproached him for having turned the PSOE into “a dwindling party, subordinate to the independence movement.” “That is why in Galicia they campaigned against the BNG and in Euskadi they campaigned against the PNV and Bildu,” Feijóo assured. “And in Catalonia, whatever happens, the Government will end up being handed over to the independentists,” he stated.

Feijóo has assured that Sánchez is “inseparable” from the independence movement. “Stop spending the money of the Spanish people on your commitments to the independentists,” he told him. “Where I have governed, the independentists did not rule anything, where you govern, the independentists have the last word,” he assured. And, in response to accusations from the socialists that the PP is “irrelevant” in Euskadi, Navarra or Catalonia, Feijóo recalled that the popular ones govern in the majority of the autonomous communities and cities of Spain. “Territorially speaking, you are the irrelevant one,” he concluded, amidst applause from the popular bench.

Sánchez reiterated in his reply that “last Sunday, nine out of every ten voters in Euskadi voted for political parties that supported this investiture, this Government and the policies we are implementing.” “And one in ten voted for you and the extreme right in Euskadi,” he added. “This Government listens to those that you do not listen to. “We govern for the majority, because we listen to the majority,” defended the leader of the PSOE. And the PP, he concluded, “only listens to the extreme right and those minority interests that they defend.”