Sister to Morten Messerschmidt murdered

One of the victims in the case of dobbeltdrab from Ruds Vedby and Kundby is identical with a sister of the politician Morten Messerschmidt, learns ekstrabladet from multiple pages.

the Extra Leaf has all day in vain tried to get a comment from the politician and from DF’s press officer, Søren Søndergaard. Also here this evening.

Under the grundlovsforhøret here for the night, the victims ‘ names forward. They are not protected by navneforbud. One of the victims is the Line Messerschmidt. Of her open Facebook profile it appears, among other things, that her brother is Morten Messerschmidt.

The 39-year-old man who is charged in the case, was in the follow Ekstra information, the girlfriend of the 31-year-old Line, which in total had four children.

the Man is accused of knivdræbt the 31-year-old Line Messerschmidt and an hour later to have killed a 35-year-old woman in Kundby. In the follow Ekstra information, he has had a relationship with the 35-year-old.

Parts of the grundlovsforhøret was held behind closed doors, so what triggered the terrible events are unknown to the general public.

The accused man can only recognize violence resulting in death. He was this evening remanded in custody in the case.

Morten Messerschmidt has for many years been a prominent landspolitisk profile of the Danish people’s Party (DF). He obtained at the previous elections to the european Parliament in 2014, the highest number of personal votes ever in Denmark.

The controversial politician was whirled into a scandal about the use of EU public funds in 2017. Sign and Feld case and threw him out in a storm and cost him the post of DF’s group in the european parliament in Brussels.

The jura-educated, 40-year-old, Morten Messerschmidt is now a member of the Danish people’s party folketingsgruppe.

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