It’s autumn and syltesæson. Also in S the government.
Mette Frederiksen’s troops has already parked a number of key promises from the election campaign in the selection and muddy response, even if it is before the date of the election was presented as imperative to get started with immediately. It shows a review, Ekstra Bladet has made.
now Take the f.ex. the red parties plan minimumsnormeringer in day-care centres.
In the government’s forståelsespapir with the red parties, it appears that minimumsnormeringerne must first be fully phased in by 2025.
But it is emphasized that: ’It commences with kommuneaftalen for 2020. With this follows the training of more educational staff as well as recruitment of more teaching staff.’
In the plan on the municipalities ‘ economy, as was presented earlier in the month, however now just, to AT ’will be included in a common work’ to ’prepare a basis’ for a børneplan. Even no started minimumsnormeringer for the hard-pressed day-care centres, children and parents already from next year.
And if you listen to the child and social policy, Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil, is it not, because she bubbles over with optimism in the area:
– We have with kommuneaftalen laid the first tracks out to find a model for how we make statutory minimumsnormeringer. The kind of work takes time, and therefore, when the model cannot be rolled out within the next year. But by the year 2025, we need to have minimumsnormeringer, she said the other day in an interview with the FOA.
Also on the government’s big attraction, the goal of differentiated retirement age, it seems as if Arne and the other worn-out, the danes will have a long wait yet.
Tiered state pension should, according to the presentation of the attention-grabbing promise in the Newspaper Denmark from January apply already from 2020, if it was for the party. Long has it been going on in the government, that a model would be presented in the spring of 2020. But in the context of S-congress the previous weekend did Mette Frederiksen suddenly the rubber band even further.
Here came the to DR:
– Now it is totally clear that it will not be a breach of any settlement to carry out a right to early retirement. That’s why we do it in that here the term.
And although the government now comforts himself with a note from the ministry of Employment that the scheme can be introduced without breaking with velfærdsforliget, so as to give the note not exactly totally clear certainty that everything can be done
A close examination of the ultra-short note reveals that it depends on 100 per cent. of the ’concrete model’, as presented.
At the Left are calling for the new political rapporteur, Sophie Løhde, action:
– No one can get specific answers to valgløfterne about 1000 more nurses, green transition and early retirement to the Hearth. Valgløfterne will put down in syltekrukker, and the danes are witnesses to a massive socialist bluffnummer, says Sophie Løhde.
S: Let us now see
Ekstra Bladet would have liked to have spoken with Mette Frederiksen on the use of jars and lids in the government. But the prime minister’s office refers to the political rapporteur Jesper Petersen.
– the Government’s attitude to the issues you bring forward here, is the same as it has been all the time. As the first after the summer break put the prime minister and the minister of employment to the table with employees and employers in the process of finding a model for earlier retirement, says Jesper Petersen to Ekstra Bladet.
– But, as In the presented it, it sounded to, that it is already due to apply from next year. Now we see first a model for the next year …
– There is not put any specific timetable above, which must now be made. We have all the time been clear at least that the first required a model and then later a political majority. It comes in the order. And if it were up to us, we have a political agreement and a law passed in 2020.
– On the minimumsnormeringer it appears in your forståelsespapir that the phasing in will begin in 2020. But now I can see that the minister of social affairs says that a model not be rolled out in the next year. When is it happening?
– It is an over-interpretation of what Pernille Rosenkrantz said. In forståelsespapiret we agree on that minimumsnormeringer must be realized finally in the year 2025. Now we have agreed with the municipalities that it goes in time. And now let’s just see how the budget falls out.
– So there comes a good solution in the next week?
– There comes a financial bill on Wednesday. And there we come to realize our policy – also on forståelsespapirets content.
– But it seems that you have already parked some things in committees and expert groups. Has not already taken syltekrukker in use?
– I do not agree with the manufacture. On the contrary it is an expression of the fact that you are starting a process towards realizing the things, we went to the election on, says Jesper Petersen.