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There is great secrecy about an action around Pernillehaven in Herlev, denmark on Thursday evening, where several individuals were arrested.
on Friday morning informs, Copenhagen is Ranked as the Police, to which, on the basis of the arrests will be the manufacture of several people today at 13 in the Court of Glostrup.
however, They may not disclose further, since the prosecution is in progress to assess whether the requested closed or dobbeltlukkede doors in grundlovsforhøret.
By dobbeltlukkede doors will not even charge, and how the accused responds to the accusation, should be public.
recent weeks have seen both a killing of a 25-year-old man in Brøndby Strand and shot against a 20-year-old man in Høje Taastrup, who was hit in the leg.
at the same time, there was speculation as to whether the action could have related to the fangeflugten, where the 24-year-old leader of the bandegrupperingen NPV, Hemin Dilshad Saleh, was freed from the psychiatric department at Slagelse Hospital.
A tweet from Copenhagen is Ranked the Police in connection with the action in last night’s throws, however, indirectly a light on, that there is a relation to the current cases, but a case, there has been a longer time coming.
Here wrote the police that the arrests occurred ‘in a case in which a longer period has been investigated in Copenhagen is Ranked the Police in cooperation with Special Investigation into the East, and which only implicates a group of suspected criminals.
the Special Investigation East (SEØ) is a efterforskningsfællesskab, dealing with particularly complex and organised crime, involving several police districts.
Dobbeltlukkede doors are also used in cases of, for example, terrorrelateret crime, but it would involve the PET.
Here we see one of the arrested in Persillehaven in Herlev, denmark in the evening. Photo: Kenneth Meyer
At the action in last night wrote more to Ekstra Bladet, that there were both kampklædt police presence and a helicopter in the air.
Extra Magazine’s man on the spot so that two people be arrested in the action. Images from site also shows a smashed car window on a Mini Cooper, parked at the site.
the 112 – 21. nov. 2019 – at. 19:41 Mysterious action: the Police are massively present