the Municipalities must by law hold at least four conversations a year, with benefit claimants.

Now shows the figures from the Danish Employers ‘ association, that there are 2000 non-western immigrants receiving social assistance, who have not had a meeting with the job center for the last six years.

800 of them have not been to a single conversation in a whole year.

– It is a big problem, and it suggests that the municipalities do not comply with the law, says Rasmus Brewer, who is the chief consultant for the Integration and Qualification under the Danish Employers ‘ association.

There is great political focus on non-western immigrants in the work, so that the municipalities are obliged to make an effort. But the numbers show that they fail their task to a group of citizens, and that there are people who seem to be parked up public benefits,

Studies have shown that conversations and activation can help people out of unemployment.

– If you can go a year without seeing a case worker and just get cash assistance, then there is something wrong in the system, believe Rasmus Brews.

the Extra Leaf has examined why immigrants and descendants outside the labour market, and what goes wrong in the meeting with the job center. Watch the first part here. Video: Gorilla Media

the social benefit of Danish origin does not go under the radar in the same way.

the Proportion of benefit claimants who have avoided a meeting the last half of the year, is almost twice as large for the group with non-western background compared with the group of Danish ancestry.

The 800 non-western benefit claimants, which has been meeting for a year, equivalent to 6.5 percent of the entire group. For the same group of Danish origin, it applies 1.5 percent.

– We know from the research side, municipalities have a tendency to underestimate the immigrant’s ability to work, and we see that they generally get a markedly inferior response, says Rasmus Brews from EN, which stands behind the numbers.

– We know that a work is the most important step towards a good and successful integration.

it May not be because, the people here on welfare are genuinely too sick or otherwise not is geared up to meeting for conversations and activities?

– the Cash benefit is a temporary benefit, so if the municipality directly believe that the people here can’t go to work or meeting up for conversations or other efforts, then they must take the consequence and move them on to a performance that fits to the early retirement or ressourceforløbsydelse, saith the Rasmus Brews.

NyDanmark – 11. dec. 2019 – at. 07:05 Job cost 13 billion – but no one knows the effect

Welcome to the Extra Magazine Special

Extra Magazine Special is a quality stamp. It is a new brand for our very best and most thorough journalism. I think you should read.

In this Special series we focus on how immigrants continue to struggle to get a place in the labour market – and on what we will get for the 13 billion dollars, to be used each year at job centres to provide all danes work.

Poul Madsen, executive editor-in-chief

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In the project ‘Job-gakgak in NyDanmark’ go the Extra Leaf to the bottom of why a large group of immigrants and descendants outside the labour market. And examines how the job centres work – or not work.

the System, which to whip the unemployed into work, costing 13 billion dollars, but no one can specifically say what the effect is.

In a arbejdsmarkedsundersøgelser have quite a few indicated that it was the job center, who helped them in the work. Only eight percent.

The same is true if you specifically ask immigrants and descendants from non-western countries.

A medborgerskabsundersøgelse from 2018 based on responses from 723 employed immigrants, 183 response from the unemployed immigrants and 43 responses from the available seed.

In the study is equivalent to 34 percent that got their first job in Denmark through personal network. 17 percent by contacting an employer unsolicited, and only 8 percent say they got the first jobs through the municipality, a cashier, the job centre or the employment service.

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in Addition to the talks, the Danish Employers ‘ association examined the degree of activation.

It turns out that four out of ten non-western on social assistance is not been in activation in the whole of 2018.

– It reinforces just that the municipalities have a tendency to ignore the non-western immigrants, says chief consultant, Rasmus Brews.

The same picture emerges in a new report from Ankestyrelsen.

They have examined whether the municipalities comply with the statutory time limits when it comes to sending new entrants the aliens in the activation. In the cases they have investigated, it turns out that the period of two weeks only observed in one out of 12 cases.

– I’m thinking that the Palace should look towards the local authorities ‘ work in this area. You have changed the legislation to ensure that more people with a non-western background are in work, so now they must also ensure that local authorities live up to their part of the responsibility, sounds the from Rasmus Brews.

the Waves are sometimes gone high during the filming of the Extra Leaf minidokumentarer on jobcentrere and unemployed immigrants. Here discuss Poul and Özlem loudly, whether it is worth it to try to help the protagonist back to the job they gave him – and, as he progressed from after just three hours. Video reportage: Gorilla Media
NyDanmark – 11. dec. 2019 – at. 12:04 Mini-documentary: Here it goes completely wrong at the job centre

minister for Employment, call the municipal effort towards the rise of non-western on social assistance for the ‘cursed’. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan Minister: – Cursed

– Damn, is the minister’s first words, when Ekstra Bladet presents Danish Arbejdsgiverforeningens figures showing that a large group rise of non-western benefit claimants has not been the conversation the past half or whole year.

– It is cursed, that there are municipalities that do not live up to the legislation. We can’t live with that there is x number of thousands of citizens, there never will be met by the society with either the requirements or the offer to be a part of the community, but just abandoned, elaborates on the minister for employment, Peter Hummelgaard (S).

– I think that it is definitely an expression for that one of all sorts of reasons just let this group be for themselves.

the Extra Leaf has researched the jobgab that still exists between the number of unemployed immigrants and people of Danish origin.

we Have done well enough, when we look at the numbers from THEN, and it jobgab that still exist?

– No. It is absolutely unique, that we have not done it well enough. I think that we are in for many decades no requirements asked to the group, says Peter Hummelgaard.

KL: Recognize that a group of ‘going under the radar’

Concerning the lack of conversations with the rise of non-western social assistance recipients write head of division Henrik Thomassen from the national Association of Local authorities for the Extra Magazine:

– even Though the job centres the past year has held 330.000 conversations with welfare recipients, then we must recognize that a small group goes under the radar, and to available with non-western background are disproportionately represented in the group. Here we must take better hold, make demands and have the same expectations for this group as for all others.

– It is obvious that this is a big task, for many in this target group requires a massive effort that is not just about finding a job, but also about bl.a. lack of language skills and understanding of it, to be part of the Danish labour market.

the Extra Leaf has also been AT the figures that have come forward in a report from Ankestyrelsen, which shows that the newcomers do not come in the activation within the time limit, as the law specifies.

– For the municipalities, it is crucial that initiatives work. And it makes the. The newly arrived refugees are the most recent years stormed into the labour market. Of course, the local authorities must live up to the deadlines that are in the area, but here we also rely on the companies – a number of municipalities points in the study that it can be difficult to get companies to take the completely new arrivals into, corresponds Henrik Thomassen from the PM on the Ekstra comments.