Guldholdet had so earned the wings around the square after the exceptional triumph in the WORLD cup final against Norway.

Many thousands of danes huddle close together in January-the cold to pay tribute to Mikkel Hansen and the rest of the håndboldherrerne.

In a large double-interview in Eurowoman tells the Danish håndboldstjerne and her boyfriend Stephanie Gundelach, how they handle being parents in the midst of all the WORLD cup-virakken.

At the town hall in central Copenhagen, had the new mother – while there were speeches and tributes – sit in an adjoining room and breastfeed his son. Outside was the crowd in ecstasy.

the WORLD cup – and the father-the title was a good culmination, remember Mikkel Hansen.

– My life peakede the right, because of you! It was absolutely crazy. The two things together is something I will never forget. There happened so much in so short a time, that I is still being touched by to talk about it. But becoming a parent was much bigger than everything else. There are things in life, which is significantly greater than the handball, he says.

Mikkel Hansen enjoyed it to the full. Photo: Louise Herrche Serup/Ritzau Scanpix

the 33-year-old Stephanie Gundelach sat with his son Eddie, Max, while the team went out to the tribute. So the father came back.

And then I got the idea that Eddie Max was going with out. Of course he had it, ” says Mikkel and supplemented by the boyfriend.

– I can just remember, that you came to me with brisk steps took him in your arms and walked toward the balcony, and I followed after. The whole month had been so overwhelming for me, and I couldn’t really accommodate more, but I went with out. I had not grasped how many people there were, before I saw it from the top. And suddenly I could just hear the rush, when they saw Mikkel with Eddie Max. I got chills over the whole body, it was so overwhelming to see you stand there with our newborn son, just after you had won the WORLD cup. It was as if you disappeared a little. You did not even notice all the people, you just stood and looked him in the eyes and talked to him.

Stephanie Gundelach says that she remembers landsholdstruppen as ‘super bagstive’. Mikkel Hansen remember, he was the ‘reasonable flying’.

Mikkel Hansen with father Flemming and her boyfriend Stephanie Gundelach. Photo: Lars Poulsen

Handball – 28. jan. 2019 – at. 23:22 VM-star disappeared suddenly from the party – here is the explanation

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Until then, the mother and son stayed in a cottage in the Herning area, so they could be close to håndboldstjernen, also got much clearance of coach Nikolaj Jacobsen.

Mikkel Hansen’s parents moved into a cottage nearby.

the Pair moved back to Paris after the celebration at the town square and took some rest. That is the plan, that they will be, to Mikkel Hansen’s contract expires in the summer of 2021. Whether he should be extended is not known, but both would like to return to Denmark at some point.

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