Families with young children, who are fond of open-faced sandwiches, should go nicely outside on the smørrebrødsrestauranten Bar Rye in inner Copenhagen. From 1. January 2020 is children under 12 years are not welcome in the restaurant any longer.

The writing migogkbh.dk.

the Owner, Anette Kjersgaard, has decided that there must be completely madro, when the on-site tatarmadder to be consumed.

Anette Kjersgaard is well aware that someone might not think the idea is the best. Pr photo

– I would like to make a place where you can be sure to enjoy lunch in the tranquil surroundings, and where you can hold a business lunch without børneskrål in the background, she says to the media.

Anette is, however, acknowledge that some might get æggemaden in the wrong throat when they see her controversial statement, but it bothers her not.

– I am well aware that the waters can be very divided about such a declaration, but I am ready to go.

Bar Rye are known for their large selection of Danish open-faced sandwiches, which they describe have the best ingredients.

the Place has been open since last year on the Badstuestræde in Copenhagen.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a detailed comment from the restaurant, but they are currently not to make.