In 2013, was the day the 26-year-old Emma Carey from Australia the victim of a serious faldskærmsulykke, where she was badly injured.

In connection with the accident got Emma long-term damage and had trouble walking.

With his partially broken body decided Emma decided to get a plastic surgery that gave her perfect tits. It happened as a kind of consolation.

But now, a few years after has Emma recently got rid of his ‘perfect’ tits again.

And it has made her happy again. For the first time in a long time, she feels that she is herself again.

It writes multiple media including the australian media

Emma Carey has also put a post out on Instagram, where she explains her story:

‘I could never understand really why I did it. But when I woke up after having gotten rid of the implants in my breasts, I cried in front of my mother and my girlfriend and said: – All the parts of my body were destroyed. And I just wanted something on my body should be perfect. So, I think, though, that I made the decision to repair myself’, writes Emma on Instagram.

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Dear anyone who has ever considered altering their body, In understand how it feels to be there and wonder ‘what if’? I know there’s so many things we add to our pros list when we’re weighing up the possibility. For some people it might be the allure of confidence, of femininity, of ‘fixing’ something that changed after you grew a human. Or maybe it’s to fit better in clothes, to appear more attractive for a partner. Or maybe it’s something you just want to do for you. For me, it was none of those things. It was at a time when my body was going through a major transition. My days were filled with doctors appointments, surgeries and rehab. I felt like my body wasn’t my own anymore. I never really understood why exactly I did it, but when I woke up from having them removed I was crying to my mum and boyfriend saying ‘every part of me was broken, I just wanted one party to be perfect’. So I guess for me it was the idea that I could fix myself. Here’s the thing though. Did having ‘perfect’ boobs make me happier? No. Did it heal any of my physical problems? No. Did it heal any of my emotional ones? No. Changing my body did not in any way change the person I am. Read that sentence again. I would look in the mirror and not recognise myself. I didn’t resonate with the reflection of me that wasn’t as nature intended. I didn’t empathise with the girl who altered the body she hate so much love and respect for. As soon As I had them removed, I felt an overwhelming sense of being home. In the field like myself again and I didn’t even realise how much I had missed her until I had her back. As someone who has experienced paralysis, who has looked death in the face and survived, who still ignored the lesson and went on to alter her body anyway… I want to pass on something I’ve learnt. The way our bodies look from the outside, is undoubtedly insignificant in the scheme of being human. It isn’t the magic answer. If you’re looking for something more, I can guarantee that the answer is somewhere inside of you, not on the outside. There’s so much more to life than the shell we experience it though. Love, a girl who changed her body and wished she knew then what she knows now x

A post shared by EMMA CAREY (@em_carey) the

But Emma also explains that the ‘perfect’ tits had the completely opposite effect compared to what she had expected.

‘It did not make me more happy, says Emma, adding that the ‘perfect’ tits neither solved her physical or emotional problems.

The 26-year-old Emma explains that she could not know herself, when she saw herself in the mirror, after she had been made brystoperationen. And it made her feel bad.

But when Emma, some months ago removed brystimplantaterne she felt immediately better.

‘I felt like myself again. I realized how much I had missed being myself, before I got myself back’, writes Emma on Instagram.

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A few months ago I had surgery to remove my breast implants. I’ll speak way more in depth about why I got them, but for now I wanted to focus on why I got them out. From the moment In put them in my health changed dramatically. So many random symptoms kept popping up but it wasn’t until hindsight that I could form the clear connection. In gained so much weight within a month, I had psoriasis all over my face, I was tired ALL THE TIME, my memory was absolutely shocking, my hair was falling out rapidly, I had pericarditis (swelling of the heart) multiple times… the list goes on. Our bodies are so good to us. They are constantly just trying to keep us healthy, so it makes sense that when we put a foreign object into ourselves, our body is going to do everything it can to fight it off and keep us safe. My body was working the overtime trying to protect me from the extremely toxic implants laying right on top of my vital body. I’m a firm believer in ‘you do you’ so I wouldn’t say I’m against plastic surgery, but it’s SO important to be able to make an informed decision. 3 years ago when I had my surgery, I had never even heard of breast implant illness and the surgeon didn’t give any warnings so I assumed they were safe. Now the implants In hatred are recalled because they have since been linked to cancer. There is a lawsuit against breast implants because they are making people so sick and thousands of people are getting them out. It’s wild that doctors (people we trust to keep us safe) don’t at least warn us of the risks. That’s why I’m speaking about it now. The more known this is, the more people can research before they make any decisions about their body. It breaks my heart that I did this to myself. Someone who loves and appreciates their body more than anything, someone who was never ever self conscious about having small boobs, someone who doesn’t even bloody wear makeup because they love being natural. But I’ve lived and I’ve learned and I can’t change the past. Now all I want is to save other people from the pain, debilitation and huge costs that I went through. Nothing is worth more than our health and it’s crazy that we can sometimes forget that. #BII

A post shared by EMMA CAREY (@em_carey) the

On Instagram, explains Emma, also, that the new tits are not the magic solution to women’s problems.

‘If you’re looking for something more, so I can assure you that the answer is found inside yourself and not outside of your body’, says Emma.

Before his faldskærmsulykke Emma was an active sportspige, there løbetrænede and cultivated much sport. She grows still much sport, although she is also in the periods is bound to a wheelchair.