Mette Frederiksen, the government is in the course into a full-blown crisis just seven months after its birth.

It assesses the Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, on top of the housing minister Kaare Dybvads capitulation in the attempt to get a negotiated action against Blackstone and other foreign kapitalfondes aggressive entry into the housing market.

the Danish policy – 29. jan. 2020 – pm. 13:17 Blackstone-drama: the Government in a minority

– This is damn something of a bet for the government. You have put so much prestige into it here.

– If this does not fall in place, I honestly don’t, what Kaare Dybvad must come into work and do. It is a humiliation – we have a minister who basically haven’t talked about anything else. And now it turns out that the radical is ready to go outside of the government, says Henrik Qvortrup.

The political commentator does not hesitate to call the newly arisen crisis ‘serious’.

– It is a very serious line in the bill for Mette Frederiksen and Kaare Dybvad. But it is also ominous on a different level. It says something about that the radicals do not feel they owe the here government anything.

– The smell of the first rudiments of a radical løsrivelsesproces. Now piss they really the territory of the government.

– But who is the government, which it has made. They have not wanted to give the radical anything. We have seen in the aliens policy. And now it makes sense, if Jens Rohde and co. say, ‘what binds us really to the government?’.

the Government has been very firm in the flesh around that they want to put into over for Blackstone and other speculators, which puts the rental apartments able to then raise the rent significantly.

The civil parties emphasise that they would the same way. But they fear that members can get to pay the price of the model, as american has put up for, they write in the press release.

at the same time, they fear that the copenhagen housing stock is not getting the help the climate, which they see as necessary.

‘The public cannot and should not finance the renovation of the private housing stock, and therefore it is essential for the parties, that an intervention in the current boligreguleringslov will be as focused as possible and does not lead to massive degradation of the boligmassens value, which will also hit pension companies,’ reads a press release.

On the other hand, housing minister Kaare Dybvad (S), which is ‘understand, that there is no support’.

– I’m nervous that now we will continue to experience pressure on our low-cost rental housing, says Kaare Dybvad.

the Extra Leaf has for a long time covered in the Blackstone case. Including some of the articles.

See also: Stood behind Blackstone in Denmark: Goes along with the nightclub-king and well-known lawyer

See also: Blackstone withdraws: Big trade canceled

See also: Blackstone will double vibeke’s rent: Now Mette F. in the matter

It means § 5 paragraph. 2-renovation

If a privately owned rental home is renovated for a minimum of 2.255 euros per square meter or 257.894 crowns in all, get the landlord the opportunity to fix the rent, so the ‘does not substantially exceed the lejedes value” rather than that the apartment is subject to the so-called cost related rent.

This means that the landlord as a rule of thumb can double the rent. But there are also examples that the rents have been three – or fourfold.

If the apartments in a property to be renovated according to section 5.2 to raise it, of course, the value of udlejningsejendommen and the income from the significantly.

According to the expert report of the Transport and ministry of housing, there is approximately of 2,850 cheap rental units each year from 2006 to 2018 has been done 5.2-improvements.

according to the Report, at the same time, that approximately 76 percent of the rental units, which have undergone a 5.2-renovation, is located around the capital, in Aarhus, Odense or Aalborg.

Continue the development, there will about about 25 years, not be more of the affordable privately owned rental housing.

§ 5, paragraph. 2, in boligreguleringsloven was introduced in 1996 to increase the incentive for owners of private rental properties to renovate their properties.

the Report estimates that in 2019 is 74.600 rented housing, where it will be possible to make a 5.2-improvements.

Source: report of the Expert group on boligreguleringslovens § 5, paragraph. 2, the Transportation and the ministry of housing.

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