Silkeborg IF’s new acquisitions Milan Massop has still not been on the pitch for the super League crew.

the Dutchman has been injured, but now it starts gradually brighten in comparison to the knee injury, the 25-year-old back has to live with. He hopes to be able to get down to work, when the SIF at the end of september to be up against FC Copenhagen at stamford bridge.

now It turns out that it is not only a damage, as the Danish player has been in the minds of the past. The dutchman and his fiance, who was pregnant, lost the unborn child.

– I have not been in the club in the past week and a half because of it with my wife. You may like to write the reason why I have been away, but I just find it difficult to talk about it, says Milan Massop to Midtjyllands Avis.

Milan Massop retains despite the personal sorrow, optimism.

– I is raised in such a way, that I always believe in a bright future. I believe that the bad things are behind me now, saith the Massop to the MJA.

Massop is on contract in the SIF until the summer of 2022.

Silkeborg is last in the League with three points after eight games – Massops new employer has still not won in the Danish squad best series of this season.

the Next task for the club from the Area is a showdown against the OB on Monday. The showdown is played in Silkeborg.

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