First smoke financier, Lars Tvede on the gate.

Now the former ‘Lion’s den’-judge Peter Warnøe also, finally, finished as a managing director in the venturefonden Nordic Eye, it writes the stock Exchange.

one of The two founders, Peter Warnøe, is just now being investigated in connection with charges of possible embezzlement and misuse of funds.

It got Warnøe to withdraw temporarily in september 2019. Now can finansmediet, however, reveal that Warnøe not come back.

the stock has gained an insight into two mails, as Nordic Eyes, the new president, Niklas Holck, sent to approximately 170 investors.

In september, it was just forward of the stock Exchange, to Warnøe through the several years have broken the law by pulling at least 20 million. kr. out of his private companies as illegal shareholder loans.

Now he has even acknowledged lovbruddet. However, he is not completely finished in the fund, he himself helped to establish. According to Børsen’s information, he continues as a partner and CIO in the fund.

See also: Lars Tvede thrown out of its venture-capital fund