PP and Vox postpone the debate on the controversial Concordia law until after the European elections

The PP does not want the national focus in the middle of the European election campaign to once again focus on the Valencian Community. Thus, the Board of Ombudsmen has ordered this Tuesday the following week’s plenary session in which the debate on the entire controversial Concordia law will not be included. On the other hand, the amendments to all three other laws of the “reformist agenda” of the new majority will be debated: the educational freedom law, the one that aims to reform regional television and the one that regulates the Anti-Fraud Agency.

In this way, the debate on the Concordia law, so criticized by the opposition, by the Government of Spain and even by the UN, will not take place until the plenary session of June 12 and 13, already after the European elections of the 9th. -J. A “small victory” for the PSPV that considers that the Valencian president Carlos Mazón “is ashamed of the law of dignity of the Franco regime.”

An argument that PP and Vox reject. The popular ones emphasize that they wanted to leave space in the plenary session for other initiatives and PNL and to prevent the opposition spokespersons from having an overload of work since some of them are speakers on two regulations. For its part, Vox points out that they have been ordered as a matter of “interest” and “speed” and understands that the fact that the debate is postponed for two weeks does not make the laws that are postponed less important.

Both deny that the calendar was made out of fear of its impact at the polls. “We are very happy with the law, so much so that there are no substantial amendments because it is a success,” said the PP ombudsman, Miguel Barrachina.

The regulations, argue its promoters, have the objective of “recognizing all the victims of violence, social, political, terrorism or ideological persecution besieged in the Valencian Community during the period between 1931 and up to the present day.” In fact, during the amendment period, neither PP nor Vox have presented modifications, considering that the text is “impeccable.”

However, the UN rapporteurs consider that the Valencian proposal could take away “the necessary recognition and attention” from the rights of the hundreds of thousands of victims of serious human rights violations, “including extrajudicial executions and forced disappearances committed during the Franco dictatorship.”

For its part, the Government of Spain and the opposition groups (PSPV and Compromís) have already threatened to take the rule to court when it is approved.

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