PP and Vox knock down the only candidate to direct the Valencian Anti-Fraud Agency

The only candidacy to direct the Agency for the Prevention and Fight against Fraud and Corruption of the Valencian Community, that of Gustavo Adolfo Segura, was rejected this Thursday in the Les Corts Economy commission by the votes against the PP and Vox.

The two opposition groups, the PSPV-PSOE and Compromís, voted in favor of the candidate, but their support is insufficient since his election requires a qualified majority of three-fifths, which these parties do not have.

The PP justified its position by not calling into question the candidate’s resume or career, but believes that other parties have politicized the Anti-Fraud Agency by putting “labels” on the proposed candidates, and if they make a mistake when voting, this will last for a period of time. seven years.

Vox stated that it does not question Segura’s professionalism either, but they see a change in the Agency as necessary, just like in the rest of the public Administration, and his candidacy is “continuous”, in addition to the fact that three associations “with a very marked ideological profile have been proposed to him.” ”.

Segura, current director of Analysis and Investigation of the Anti-Fraud Agency, appeared in the afternoon in Les Corts to evaluate whether he met the requirements established by the agency’s law, such as having a higher university degree suitable for the position and more than ten years of activity. labor or professional related to the scope of the Agency.

The candidate claimed that his profile is technical, that he has worked for 25 years in different Administrations in an impartial manner, and stated that describing him as a continuator is “a mistake”, since he has brought to the Chamber his own project that he has detailed to the deputies.

Segura’s candidacy to lead the organization to replace Joan Llinares, whose mandate has ended after seven years, was proposed by Acción Cívica Contra la Corrupció, the Fundación por la Justicia and Observatori Ciutadà contra la Corrupció.

He was the only candidacy left, since the Les Corts Board excluded Eduardo Beut’s for not meeting the requirement of having been proposed by entities related to the fight against corruption.