The simple fact that a meeting was held in Brussels between the second vice-president of the Spanish Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, with the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont, caused PP and Vox to attack the meeting yesterday. The meeting, they emphasized in the PP, between “a member of the Spanish Government – Díaz alleged that he was there as the leader of Sumar, not as a commissioner of the Executive – and a fugitive from justice” brought the spokesmen of the two formations to point out the Executive and accuse him of “being willing to do whatever it takes” to continue in power.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Cuca Gamarra through social networks, and Borja Sémper and Santiago Abascal in press conferences, agreed to consider “a scandal” that a person “who cannot enter Spain, because he has pending accounts with the justice, be visited by a vice-president of the Spanish Government to flatten the investiture of Pedro Sánchez”.

For the president of the PP there is not the slightest doubt that Yolanda Díaz did not hold this meeting in a personal capacity: “Sánchez’s interests cannot condition the politics of our country”.

After the state steering committee of the PP, its spokesman, Borja Sémper, spoke about the meeting in Brussels before it began and criticized that Pedro Sánchez, who last week said no to Núñez Feijóo’s proposal to be invested president, “prefers a fugitive from justice than a legislature based on the agreement”.

Sémper accused the socialist leader of seeking the agreement with Junts only for the particular interest of “Pedro Sánchez and Puigdemont”, even if for this he has to change “the Spanish legal system to the letter”. The PP spokesman defended that it must be clear that yesterday’s meeting in Brussels “is not normal”.

In the same vein, the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, considered that it is “extremely serious” that the Spanish Government has sat down with a “fugitive from justice”, a fact that, in his opinion, does not they happen anywhere in the world. The image of yesterday in Brussels is, for Abascal, that of the “Government of Spain facing a real criminal”.

The ultra-nationalist leader did not miss the opportunity to criticize Feijóo, for being willing to meet with Junts, even if not with Puigdemont, and it was heard from the side of the leader of the Catalan PP, Alejandro Fernández, who criticized the PP leader’s intention to speak with Puigdemont’s party. “My opinion is that of the president of the PP of Catalonia. Together is not a valid interlocutor”.

But the criticism didn’t just come from the right. For the president of Castile-La Mancha, the socialist Emiliano García, the meeting between Díaz and Puigdemont generates “a lot of doubts” and above all he considers that “what needs to be clear to sit down to negotiate is what cannot be. Let that be clear.”

For García-Page, it is clear as day that the amnesty requested by the pro-independence parties to support Sánchez’s investiture “violates the principle of equality” and “runs afoul of the Constitution”, which “must not prohibit to force something so that it is tacitly forbidden”.

Regarding the referendum requested by the pro-independence parties “it is, to put it bluntly, an impossible one, and whoever makes it clear to them earlier, the better”. The president of Castile-La Mancha confessed that he does not know what the PSOE’s position is on these two issues, at present, although he recalled that in the previous legislature, for the PSOE “amnesty was not possible” .