The regional presidents of the PP who attended the Senate’s Autonomous Communities commission yesterday responded to the president of the Generalitat, who was absent from the room because as soon as he finished his own intervention he left. However, and unlike Pere Aragonès, a good part of his interventions did not focus on the debate on the amnesty but on regional financing, curiously, the issue to which the president of the Generalitat dedicated the least time, barely one paragraph in his intervention. transcribed.

ERC admits that in the negotiation for the investiture the solution to the fiscal deficit has been raised, but the rest of the regional presidents reproached it for negotiating an eventual forgiveness of the Catalan debt and a fiscal pact.

“We don’t know what they are negotiating, but it concerns us and affects us,” stressed the president of Galicia, Alfonso Rueda, who indicated that “taking the path of debt mutualization means that others will pay for it,” he complained. That is why he stressed that “negotiation is not, as Pedro Sánchez says, generosity, because the only generosity is that which is practiced with one’s own, and not with that of others.”

An argument followed by the other presidents, to the point of announcing that if the condonation is approved, they will appeal it to the Constitutional Court.

The president of Galicia summed it up in one sentence: “Galicia does not want to be more than anyone, but it is not going to allow anyone to be more than Galicia.” An approach in which he was supported by the Balearic president, Marga Prohens: “No one is more than anyone else,” she said, and also by the president of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno: “No territory is more than another territory, because no Spaniard is more than another.” ”.

The president of the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, focused a good part of his intervention on financing, of which he said that “we will be able to reach agreements, but not to the point of keeping the crumbs from the banquet of whoever preferred to put price their votes to satisfy the vanity of a single person.”

For his part, the Aragonese president, Jorge Azcón, who declared himself “rebellious against any attempt to break the unity of Spain and the equality of all Spaniards,” warned of a bilateral agreement on financing with Catalonia: “It is not can do bilaterally,” and called on all regional presidents to ask for a weighing of the sociodemographic parameters that affect them.

All the presidents of the PP, eleven in total, thanked Pere Aragonès for attending the plenary session “in the face of the glaring absence of others” – in reference to the socialist regional presidents – but immediately afterwards they reproached him for not having stayed to listen to them. , although they think differently about him.

Isabel Díaz Ayuso, president of Madrid, began her speech by quoting the cursed word: “A pardon is that the State forgives you; amnesty, may the State ask for forgiveness.” It was perhaps the most heated intervention against the possible agreement on the amnesty. “It has been said that if this crime is committed there will be two types of Spaniards, but it is much worse. If this indignity triumphs, soon there will be no Spaniards; How long does a nation last that allows itself to be betrayed?

All the presidents of the PP were convinced that the amnesty is unconstitutional and underlined one of the points of Aragonès’s intervention, when he said from the rostrum that the amnesty is not the end, but the beginning, and that the referendum must come afterwards. of self-determination.

Juanma Moreno explained that the amnesty “is more than a pardon because it would not be forgiving, it would be asking for forgiveness and telling them that they should never have been detained or tried,” and added that it causes inequality because “in Spain we are all equal in rights and duties.” “Grant – she added – the goals sought by the pro-independence minorities: impunity and privileges” and “a social fracture will occur,” she warned.

Despite the absence of the Government and the three regional socialist presidents in this debate – the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, did not attend either – the PSOE established its position through its spokesperson in this commission, Senator Juan Espadas, leader of the Andalusian socialists. “The PSOE has been, is and will be the guarantor of unity, plurality and the constitutionality of the territorial model in Spain,” warned Espadas, in response to the cataract of invective that all the regional presidents of the PP poured out in the session. of the Senate against an investiture of Sánchez that they took for granted.