Many are away from home during christmas, and the thieves also. From Friday, where police began to enumerate the number of juleindbrud in private homes, has been notified of over 250 break-ins in the country’s police districts.

Burglars have been particularly fond of the north of Zealand, who have taken against the 56 of the notifications.

It comes as no surprise to Carsten Spliid, who is line manager for the prevention and the proximity at the north Zealand Police, that it is a popular area for langfingrede people.

– We have historically seen the most break-ins, and therefore it is no surprise.

– Far along the way, we believe that it is because we have a large amount of well-off citizens and indbrudsinteressante housing, he says.

According to him, there has been a general decrease of ten percent in the number of indbrudsanmeldelser in politikredsen the last year. Therefore crosses Carsten Spliid my fingers crossed that the trend will continue over the holidays.

I hope that juleindbruddene will reflect the rest of the year, he says.

11 out of the country’s 12 police districts have indicated the number of burglaries in recent days for the national Police, and while the Northern peak of the inventory with the most burglaries, there have been fewer thieves in the game in Copenhagen. Only nine burglaries reported from Friday to Sunday.

Bornholm Police is not on the list.

A burglary may, however, be reviewed, long after the burglary took place. Just the intrusion is difficult for the police to unravel, explains Carsten Spliid.

– 95 percent of our burglaries are efteranmeldte, where the residents comes home and finds that there has been a burglary. So is the thief of all the mountains. In the case we must investigate ourselves back to the perpetrator.

– If some see something suspicious, when a person prowling around, or there are cars that don’t belong, then we want to hear it. So, we have a greater chance to take the thieves in flagrante delicto, he says.

If you want to tyverisikre his dwelling in the best way possible, according to Carsten Spliid important to lock and maybe even replace doors and windows.

in Addition, you can be a part of the action good neighbour, which is a collaboration between The Crime prevention Council and Trygfonden.

Here, neighbours get your house to look inhabited, while you are away – for example, by emptying the mailbox, park in the driveway or throw the bags in the same trash can.