Podemos has formally asked Sumar’s spokesperson in the Congress of Deputies, Marta Lois, for her general secretary and deputy, Ione Belarra, to speak during the Plenary Session to be held next Tuesday to explain the position of the Government of Spain regarding the situation in Gaza, Israel and the Middle East and in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, will appear.

This is what Podemos sources have pointed out, redoubling the defense of their positions on a conflict that Belarra herself has repeatedly defined as “planned genocide” in the face of whose “war crimes” she understands that the Government has maintained a lukewarm and insufficient reaction.

The last one was just yesterday when, before the solemn opening of the legislature, the leader of the purple party demanded from its president, Pedro Sánchez, “coherence, concrete actions and effective decisions to stop Netanyahu.” Measures among which he listed the suspension of diplomatic relations with Israel, the end of the purchase of weapons, the imposition of economic sanctions on the Israeli Prime Minister and his ministers and the legal push to take him before the International Criminal Court promoting his arrest and trial. .

No Podemos deputy has spoken before the Plenary Session of Congress in this initial phase of the legislature. And it seems difficult for Sumar to agree on this occasion, on an issue in which Podemos has established its own profile, given that the purple party – which does not have any of the spokespersons – does not have any options to assume that of the Foreign Affairs Commission either. yet to be assigned and which will most likely correspond to the former ambassador of Spain to the UN Agustín Santos.

And the positions are not very far apart since from Sumar, its deputy spokesperson, Aina Vidal (En Comú), asked the President of the Government on Tuesday to “go much further” to end the “massacre” that Israel is perpetrating in Gaza and promote the arms embargo, recognize the Palestinian State and have Benjamin Netanyahu be tried for crimes against humanity.

Vidal, however, values ??the “bravery” shown by Pedro Sánchez in telling Israel “to the face” that it has to stop killing civilians in the strip and celebrates that the president has assumed part of “his roadmap” in this question.

Another of the deputy spokespersons of the parliamentary group, Àgueda Micó (Compromís), has focused more on criticizing the PP for using a conflict “in which many innocent people are dying” to attack the Executive. “I don’t know if he is the only person in Spain (Alberto Núñez Feijóo) who has not seen the images of destruction in Gaza.”

The BNG deputy Néstor Rego has also spoken about the conflict, who has asked to reconstitute the Palestine Intergroup of Congress, which has functioned in past legislatures and whose objective was to put deputies in contact with Palestinian representatives to “promote solutions” that allow end Israel’s “genocidal aggression” and “occupation” of Palestine.