The readers of La Vanguardia who consult our newspaper every day do not do so just to find out about the latest headlines: they are looking for a specific way to approach the information, they know the signatures of the journalists, they have their favorite commentators and they know exactly where to find each type of information. For the readers of the printed edition, it is also almost a way of being in the world and getting to know it better, immersing themselves in the pages of the newspaper without the haste and distractions of the digital age. For many of them, reading includes the habit of working through the classic Màrius Serra or Fortuny crosswords, looking for Laplace’s 8 errors, solving hieroglyphs or solving sudoku. Lately, however, this exhilarating challenge has been too often impossible to solve.

“From time to time some mistakes appear in the pastimes and I think this is normal. However, it seemed excessive to me that two days in a row, on October 1 and 2, three errors appeared”, Manuel-Carlos Martínez Marchena wrote a few days ago, pointing out errors in the crossword grids (not attributable to their authors) and in a hieroglyph. “In today’s hieroglyph there is a colossal error. In the vignette a country is drawn whose capital is San Juan and therefore it refers to Puerto Rico, but it should be Costa Rica because the Ticos are the inhabitants of Costa Rica and not those of Puerto Rico”, explained Konrad de Peix . Also in the Catalan version of the hieroglyphs, errors have recently crept in: “For the second time, at least, they use an image of the river Onyar as it passes through the Old Quarter to refer to the word Ter, another of the four rivers of Girona ”, warned, among others, Xavier Masgrau.

It is clear that these little things do not affect the essential informative mission of the newspaper, but the messages from these and other subscribers confirm that for them the link with La Vanguardia goes beyond the news. “Among the various reasons that make me buy it practically every day are the crosswords with which Mr. Fortuny delights us every day,” summed up Josep Urpina. Mr. De Peix, for his part, assured that he has been making the hieroglyph with a group of friends for 30 years. A new reminder of how important it is, to maintain the affinity and loyalty of readers, to take care and review every little detail, from front page headlines to hobbies.