Sports and Games See the pictures here: Vonn for the cheeky to the U.S.

Ski legend Lindsey Vonn with two WORLD cup gold and an OLYMPIC gold on the cv was in august engaged to ice hockey star PK Subban.

most Recently, Subban has been in the talk show ‘Tim and Sid on Sportsnet, where he had to deal with various topics – including the relationship with Vonn.

He was shown a t-shirt with a photo of the two next to each other.

– you Know what I think of when I see this photo? I’m on the wrong level? Why would she want me? She is so much prettier than what I am, says Subban humbly.

the Announcement of the engagement came via a video on Instagram.

We had been betrothed for a week before we laid the cut out. It was actually very private.

– Although we share much of our lives, then we would like to keep it private for as long as possible, so friends and family got the message first. We are so happy together, says Subban.

most Recently, Vonn scored censorship-the bars forward in the UNITED states, because she is going in for transparent clothing, which you can see RIGHT HERE.

the Article continues below the images

Vonn and Subban is often on the red carpet. Photos: Jordan Strauss/Evan Agostini/Mario Anzuoni

And they were also in place for the US Open final between Nadal and Medvedev. Photo: CLIVE BRUNSKILL/Ritzau Scanpix

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Right now, the ice hockey player, and are waiting for the NHL season to get started.

– I look so much forward to it, I think that Lindsey is tired of me, because I’m just trying everything to keep me in time before training camp begins, says Subban.

the 30-year-old PK Subban has been to the WORLD cup for Canada and has played in the NHL since 2009. In the summer, the former Montreal Canadiens star from Nashville Predators to New Jersey Devils.

the 34-year-old Lindsey Vonn stopped the career in the beginning of the year, as the damage was too serious. In addition to the many medals at the WORLD championships and the OLYMPICS, she 82 victories in the World Cup, which has led to 20 total disciplinsejre.

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Sports and Games See the pictures here: Vonn for the cheeky to the U.S.