P’burg students learning about Lincoln, oratory | Letter

My husband and I recently attended “Grandparent’s Day” at the Phillipsburg Elementary School. We were honored to visit two of our grandchildren’s classrooms and hearing about what they are studying and doing an activity with them.

Our granddaughter’s third grade teacher, Darlene Noel, was Warren County’s Teacher of the Year in 2016 and was one of five finalists for Teacher of the Year for New Jersey. She visited Washington, D.C. last spring for professional development opportunities and participated in an oratory workshop at Ford’s Theater, where she learned about their oratory fellowship program for teachers.  She submitted an essay was selected as one of 10 educators across the country to be paired with a teaching artist from the theater who is teaching the art of oratory for which President Lincoln was well-known.

The class is learning about Lincoln, and memorizing one of his speeches which they will be publicly delivering using their newly acquired skills.

Noel has written a proposal and obtained free tickets for her students to visit Ford’s Theater April 28. The plan is to visit the theater, the museum and Peterson House, where Lincoln died, and the Lincoln Memorial! 

The only cost to the class is the charter bus fee of $1,995. If you’d like to donate, please make your check payable to “Phillipsburg School District” and include in the memo note: “Mrs. Noel’s Class.” The address is: Phillipsburg Elementary School, Attn: Darlene Noel, 525 Warren St. Phillipsburg NJ 08865.  

We are grateful to Principal John Finken, Noel and all the other teachers for all they are doing to enrich the lives of their students.

Eileen Catalli

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