The president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, wanted to highlight the five deputies of his formation in Congress in view of the possible investiture of Pedro Sánchez, stressing that “the time for the PNV will come.” The Jeltzale leader has also indicated that the controversy is “channelled” by the possibility that Basque would be relegated in the process of eventual officialization of the co-official languages ??in the European Union.

In an interview on RNE, citing an expression once used by the Catalan sovereigntist parties, and that the PNV “accepts it with patience and resignation.” “Our time will come,” he indicated.

“Once the dazzle towards Catalan sovereignty has passed, the time will come for the PNV and Euskadi: our five votes are essential for things to move forward,” he stated in an interview on Radio Nacional.

Likewise, regarding the use of Catalan, Basque and Galician in the European institutions, and the first statements by the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, who indicated that Catalan would be prioritized – something he later qualified -, Ortuzar has assured that this issue “is addressed and resolved, and the three languages ??will be on equal terms.”

The president of the PNV Executive has also given his opinion on the political situation in Spain, highlighting that “there is a devilish arithmetic that can be a blessing and a great opportunity to address issues that have been pending for a long time, such as the territorial model and the fit of nations.” within the Spanish State”. This “devilish arithmetic”, in his opinion, will also “force” all parties to “be more responsible, especially the two Government formations, which will have to make fewer fireworks than the last legislature”, he said.

Regarding his recent visit in Brussels to the former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, Ortuzar has maintained that the three conditions he has raised to reach an agreement with the PSOE for the investiture – amnesty, a mediator and a framework established by treaties international – “could fit into Spanish policy; it all depends on how they are formulated”.

After stating that Pedro Sánchez “has been enigmatically brave” when yesterday he spoke of “political solutions to political problems”, Ortuzar has considered that “if any of the parties request it, the PNV will take positive actions”, but has specified that he does not believe that it is necessary because “I believe that there is a desire for approach and seriousness.”

Finally, Ortuzar has been in favor of the PP joining the dialogue on the territorial model “and defending what it has to defend”, and has stressed that the Constitution “is not the Old Testament, it is not unalterable; in fact it is has been emptied in part by the transfer of powers to the EU. Couldn’t the same be done internally? Surely a stronger State would emerge with more comfortable people.”