Now begins the season of storm surge

as the days get shorter, the risk of violent winds and a storm surge greater. Storm surges in Denmark occur most often between October and april and varies much in strength.

A storm surge can take place, when the powerful wind pushing the great waters from the sea onto the land. It happened most recently in January of this year, where the storm Alfrida with gusts of gale force pushed the huge water masses into against several Danish ports.

From north to newcastle upon tyne the Bear fought the authorities a good fight against the flood after a sustained and violent north winds, but with limited success.

Move furniture, haveværktøj and the like from floors and terrænHar you basement, so try to secure it against the water.Try to prevent water from entering – e.g. by means of sandsækkeVær aware that damage caused by storm surge is not covered by your private house or contents insurance on the other hand, you can be covered by the so-called stormflodsordning in Denmark

Read more about stormflodssikring here.

Source: the knowledge centre Bolius

And if the research and prospects for the future keeps, we can prepare ourselves, that flooding becomes an even bigger problem in the future.

Climate change gets the world’s oceans to rise, and according to a study from 2017, it will create twice as many floods of just a few decades.

Especially the tropics are going to suffer under the rising sea levels, but also in cities on the european atlantic coast and at the coasts in the inner Danish waters must prepare itself for floods, which a few years ago was designated as 100 year events, going to happen far more often.

climate change impact for homes in low-lying and coastal areas

despite the prospect to flooded homes experience Tue Patursson, expert in the subject of climate proofing in Planning Bolius, that many danes hold again to ensure where it is necessary.

For some, it’s about, that it is hard to assess how exposed their homes are. In a survey, YouGov made of Organic Bolius and Realdania in november 2018, gave 43 percent of the respondents expressed that they themselves can assess the flood risk from the condition. On the question of whether they could assess the risk from the home’s location, responded, 38 percent no.

Others are reluctant, because of climate-proofing only gets current when the water flows into.

– We know, unfortunately, that climate-proofing is a subject many perceive as less important, unless they already have had a water damage with all the trouble that can follow. One thing is the cost, but for many who have experienced water damage, has the worst been the uncertainty, the subsequent hassles and the personal things like familieklenodier lost, says Tue Patursson.

Checklist – how do you do when the water comes

At this interactive map of denmark you can see your municipality’s plan for adaptation to climate change. You can also see which group the municipality is in. The risk category indicates the municipality’s need for protection against flooding from an analysis, as the Dca was doing in march 2017.

the Map also shows how much has been paid out in compensation as a result of damage that occurred after the storm surge. The information is, among other things retrieved from the Dca, DMI, and Stormrådet.

On you can read more about what you as a homeowner can do to ensure your home against flooding after torrential rain or storm surge. You can also find a risikoberegner that can give you insight into just how prone your residence is. When you have calculated your risk, you will be shown a number of recommendations for concrete actions you can implement.

Notice of a storm

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