Since excessive tourism has taken root in the center of Barcelona and no one knows how to remedy it, years ago – before the Colau era – the city council decided to try to decentralize it in order to, in this way, fluff it up, spread it through all the neighborhoods. The result is that there are now herds of guinea fowl all over the city. See, if not, the hellish situation they live on the Rovira hill, with the Carmel bunkers turned into little less than a continuous radish. On Tuesday, Luis Benvenuty talked about it in the pages of Viure.

In Italy, on the Ligurian coast, they have opted for a solution, I don’t know if it is effective, but it is curious. In the village of Portofino, which lives infested with tourists, they have decided to create “red zones” in the places where they are most concentrated. They can walk there but at no time can they slow down to stop there. This was announced by the town’s mayor, who pointed out the “fluidity problems caused by the circulation of people and vehicles” and warned of the “potential danger of excessive population density in relation to the available surface”. The ban on stopping is already in force every day, from half past eleven in the morning to six in the afternoon. Whoever does not respect it and stays still will receive a fine.

I imagine the tourist trying to contemplate the red houses of the Piazzetta, the yachts of the billionaires, the Calata Marconi, the ice cream parlors and luxury shops of Via Roma, the church of Divo Martino, the Castello Brown, or the gulf of Tigullio. I can imagine them while, on both sides of the line they form, the carabinieri – with sour apple faces, stentorian hand gestures and the forcefulness of the Roman soldiers who flogged Jesus on the way to Golgotha ​​- hurry them to force their way.

-Circulate, circulate! Nothing to see here.