The state of Hesse fights back with new proposals against the threat of diesel driving ban in Frankfurt. It had applied for the admission of the appeal against the judgment of the administrative court (VG) Wiesbaden, said a spokesman for the administrative court (VGH) in Kassel. By the judgment of the VG Wiesbaden, in Frankfurt from February 2019, a Diesel-driving ban

in Order to prevent this, suggest one of the “additional instruments”, said the Hessian Ministry of the environment: the creation of additional bus lanes in the downtown area, the expansion and optimization of Park-and-Ride areas around the town area and the establishment of so-called gatekeeper traffic lights that regulated the traffic flow in the city more effective and efficient.

Necessary steps

“These measures are in the opinion of the country is necessary to be able to a nationwide ban on driving for many diesel vehicles are in Frankfurt, prevent, as the administrative court has called for Wiesbaden in its judgment in September,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of the environment. You have informed the city of Frankfurt on the project and the process strategy.

when will a decision on the appeal, the VGH did not provide information. In addition, a specific procedure is running at the administrative court. The German environmental aid is to assert that the judgment of the administrative court will be implemented on driving bans for older cars next year, regardless of an appeal immediately. On the summary proceedings, the administrative court will decide in the first half of the month of December, said a VGH speaker.