Until the age of 12, they thought that he was a child like others. With his things, his nonsense, his difficulty in reading, his bad handwriting, but like the other children. Their parents reached these twelve as in a video game, where each screen is more difficult than the last.

How many hours had that couple been diving into the internet looking for a magic file that would allow nothing more (or less) for their child to learn. “Let’s give it time”. “Each child goes at his own pace”. “Why do you have to test him”. “It’s just that he’s immature.” “Let’s see if you’re not educating him well…”. Course after course, always the same song.

When he was little, they kept doing it, because “my boy has nothing, bah!”. No mother assumes right away that things are not going well. Until you go and open your eyes. The alarm goes off for you. In this case, it wasn’t until twelve that the decision was made to give him the tests they didn’t advise, the visit to the paid psychologist, the neurologist… Then, the diagnosis: attention deficit disorder. They were at the start box in the middle of the youth, in the most difficult yet.

No one from the cloister – much less from the family – was able to see in all that time that the child’s behavior obeyed a disorder in neurodevelopment, a huge obstacle to learning and because of which many students are left in the gutter before entering in higher stages. Exactly, 15% of the population of school age, a whole legion.

Neurodevelopment expert Anna Sans, in a recent interview with La Vanguardia, gave a piece of information that should move mountains. There is no classroom that does not have three or four children! with ADHD, ASD, dyslexia or language or learning disorders. What’s more, Sans said: 40% arrive at ESO without being diagnosed.

The educational and health circuits are failing miserably. The inclusive school thus becomes a kind of chimera and families despair. Poorly managed resources lead us to school failure as much as maintaining certain stereotypes or ideas in education. The teachers lack the training and, too often, the desire to deal with singularities. To the school psychologist, hours of attention to so many cases. And the children? Kids are missing all that time that can’t be rewound anymore.