Murder or suicide: the Great mystery of Kim’s brutal death

the Experts are wavering, and the same does the Court of Holbæk in the enigmatic criminal proceedings on Kim Wiggers Olsen’s death as a sacrifice for the knife in december 2018.

’It is not possible to conclude’, writes the police investigators, retsmedicinerne and Retslægerådet in their reports about the background for the 43-year-old man dead in his apartment in Rolighedsstræde Holbæk.

the Problem is that there is no obvious motive for the killing nor suicide.

The 43-year-old theatre assistant Kim Wiggers Olsen’s death up to christmas last year as a result of two deep knife wounds casts doubts and disagreement about it of the under drabssagen in Holbæk. Photo: Private

It was once again evident, as the prosecutor, Louise Hansen and defendants ‘ counsel, Thomas Fogt, Monday procederede, respectively, for intentionally killing and pure acquittal.

Murdered the accused, now 20-year-old ex-high school student Kim Wiggers Olsen, in a aggressive, drug-intoxication? It considers the prosecutor, that there can be no doubt.

Rescuers carry here Kim Wiggers Olsen’s corpses out of his first floor apartment close to the fjord of Holbæk. He was found dead sitting in a sofa in his living room. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

Or he took his own life with two harikiri-stabbings, one of which had 15 cm’s depth, and pierced his heart. It is the defender’s clear conviction.

– In must decide whether a young person’s life must be destroyed. Whether he should be in jail for 12 years. It is not enough evidence to. There is so much doubt in this case that the court must come to a acquittal, said Thomas Fogt in his procedure.

Louise Hansen stated that the deceased was well liked, happy and not suicidal, and that the fatal hour was not other in his apartment in Rolighedsstræde close to the fjord of Holbæk.

It speaks, in her opinion, also for murder, that the accused’s fingerprints and dna were found on the kitchen knife, which took the lives of the stofpåvirkede Kim Wiggers Olsen, and that his blood was found on the accused’s clothes.

Experts can not clearly conclude whether Kim Wiggers Olsen took his own life or was killed by knife wounds. There is no obvious motive, but the accused and the now deceased were both strongly affected by amphetamine and designer drug. Photo: Kenneth Meyer

It explained Thomas Fogt with, that the defendants afterwards tugging at the deceased. The knife was found on a table in what the prosecutor described as in ’an unnatural position’.

– It seems unlikely that he would have retrieved the knife in the kitchen to go back and settle well to the right with a pillow in the back and sticking the knife in himself, thought Louise Hansen.

The accused’s defender described the death as ’unexplained, incomprehensible and deeply tragic’, and he took note of the fact that there are no obvious motives, that there were some known conflicts between the accused and Kim Wiggers Olsen, and that no expert-statements in the case unequivocally point to murder or suicide.

Thomas Fogt featured that the knife was stabbed into the victim’s body with the edge at the top, which in his opinion suggests suicide, that the accused’s fingerprints were from a pincer-grip with two fingers, and that it would not be a trigger so deep knife wounds.

See also: Killed knivoffers friend: Kim was on top

Finally, Thomas thought Fogt, that the victim would have had the deter-lesions on the hands and arms and shouted for help and struggled around in the apartment and left blodstænk, if he had been stabbed to death by the accused.

A young man who, after his forsvarers opinion, never acted aggressively towards others.

Thomas Fogt believed that the real reason for Kim Wiggers Olsen’s death as a whole is to be found in the accused and the now deceased drug abuse, and that there is so much doubt about it and the guilt of the accused, that it should lead to an acquittal.

Nævningetinget ruling in the conviction Friday morning.

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