With a view to a minus in the region of € 80 million. kr. must fodbolddirektør, Carsten V. Jensen, save lønkroner. Many lønkroner.

by 2020, it will also give a big minus to the bottom line in Brøndby, but there are clear signs that the CV is serious about bringing the business into balance as soon as possible, even if it has sporting consequences.

The first serious inroads occurred in the weekend, because Brøndby sold Dominik Kaiser.

There it was, a bitter sales for forårsudsigterne and top-6 potential, because the German has been a distinctive profile on the Mcdonalds crew and at the same time, scored ten goals in the fall.

However, from an economic perspective has fodbolddirektøren made a very reasonable trade.

Dominik Kaiser came free in the summer of 2018. And according to Ekstra information got Carsten V. Jensen 3.8 million. kr. of Hannover 96 midfielder, who is on the road against a 32 year. And the prospect was that he would be leaving the Area absolutely free of charge for the summer.

With 3.8 million. kr. in the box saves Brøndby also lønkroner in the spring. Here is the saving in the level of 2.2 million. kr.

So goodbye to Dominik Kaiser has meaning with the entire six million. kr. on the bottom line of the oval.

Kamil Wilczek and Dominik Kaiser (very tv) cheering together with the other teammates. The Kaiser is gone and Kamil Wilczek can easily disappear from Brondby here in January, where fodbolddirektør Carsten V. Jensen has said he has completed his military service. Photo: Jens Dresling, Polfoto.

Kamil Wilczek, the captain, and among all with 17 efterårstræffere, may very well be the next man on the launch pad in Brøndby. Currently linked he, along with a switch to the Turkish midterklub Göztepe.

Carsten V. Jensen has put up a sale. It was certainly the clear signals he sent, as the troupe met in the year in the first training here in January.

the Entire football-Europe has been familiar with, that there is an experienced målfarlig pole around in Brøndby. A man who has completed his military service.

If, Brøndby, as expected, is selling Kamil Wilczek later in the transfer window, they have blågule said goodbye to 73 percent of the goals from the fall.

Kamil Wilczek scored 17 goals, while Dominik Kaiser was listed for ten hits. They two alone stood thus for 27 of Brøndbys 37 autumn hits.

There waiting for the head coach Niels Frederiksen is a big challenge to find the many goal when Kamil Wilczek is sold.

In the autumn of rented Brøndby Samuel Mraz in Empoli for the whole season. The club has an option to purchase and can buy him back for five million. kr. It is him, who must seize the chance and score the goals.

in Addition, Mikael Uhre, Ante Erceg and Andreas Döring a part of the invaders in the oval. Neither Erceg or J has a future in the Area.

Kamil Wilczek is for sale, while Dominik Kaiser is already sold. The two scored 27 of 37 Brøndby-goals in the fall. Photo: Lars Poulsen
Brøndby – 9. jan. 2020 – pm. 14:31 Brøndby-bomb: Ready to get rid of their superpolak

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