The good festive spirit is assured with folketingsveteranen Bertel Haarder (V) after a phone call from the prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S).

It tells the Left-the man who on Monday officially appointed as the new chairman of the board of The Royal Theatre.

See also: Bertel Haarder gets a new job as a theater manager

– I was called by Mette Frederiksen, last week and was both surprised and happy, says Bertel Haarder to Ekstra Bladet.

the Appointment came right behind him, but he was very happy.

– I also think it is great that the government choose one from the opposition, he says, and thank both the prime minister, acting minister of culture, Rasmus Prehn (S) and Joy Mogensen, as after the new year is back as minister of culture.

See also: Joy Mogensen returns

Bertel Haarder most look forward to the cooperation with the theatre director Kasper Holten, he says.

– He is a deeply creative and highly qualified man. It will be really a pleasure to work with him.

And so I will also say that Lisbeth Knudsen, who I am replacing, the leaves the theater in really good condition, says Bertel Haarder.

Bertel Haarder, yet will not flesh out the ideas he has for the theatre, but he is very much in favour of the focus in recent years has been on the young users.

– There are not so many under the age of 25 who go to the theater, and therefore it is a good idea to give them some good deals. Perhaps we can find yet more of the kind, he says.

As examples, he mentions the ticket, you can purchase to young people under 25 for 1000 crowns.

in Addition, Bertel Haarder try to get more theatres in the country.

– A chairman of the board must back up the management, but must also, of course, be ready to ask some requirements. And some of it, as I know, I agree with the government, is that the theatre must continue to develop in the direction of to get more out in the country, says Bertel Haarder.

He stresses, however, that it should not be at the expense of the capital.

– Denmark must have a capital, and the capital city must have a cultural kraftcentrum and the flagship, but it is the entire country that pays for the theatre, and therefore it is also throughout the country, who will have the joy of the theatre, he says.

The long-standing Left-politician, Bertel Haarder, has been appointed as the new chairman of the board of The Royal Theatre, where he will replace Lisbeth Knudsen, who is the chief editor of the media on Monday Morning.

in the Past we have been in the Parliament since 1975 – interrupted only by a stay at the european Parliament in the 1990s. Here is an overview of his career:

Name: Bertel Geismar Haarder.

Age: 75 years

place of Birth: Born the 7. september 1944 in rønshoved Højskole folk school

the Son of film director Hans Haarder and Agnete Haarder


1970: master of political science specializing in the Grundtvig frihedssyn from Aarhus University, denmark

1964-65: Legatstudier in the U.S.

1964: graduated from Sønderborg state school


1973-75: Seminarieadjunkt at Aalborg Seminarium

1971-73: Teacher at Haderslev Statsseminarium

1968-73: the folk high school teacher at Askov folk high School

Political career:

2015-2016: Culture and church affairs.

2011: Member of the Parliamentary Bureau

2010-11: the ministry of the Interior and health

2007-10: Minister for education and minister for nordic cooperation

2005-07: Education and church affairs

2004-05: Integration and minister for development cooperation

2003-04: Integration

2001-03: the process of Integration and european affairs

1994-01: Member of the European Parliament

1987-93: Teaching and forskningsminister

1982-87: education Minister

Marital status: Married Birgitte Haarder. The couple have four children.

place of Residence: Copenhagen, denmark


1973: “Statskollektivisme and Spildproduktion”

1973: “the Institutions “Tyranny”

1974: “The organised unemployment”

1975: “the Danes in the year 2002,”

1977: “in the Midst of a klynketid”

1979: “The fight for high school”

1980: “Limits of Policy”

1982: the “New-liberalism – and its roots”

1990: “Let freedom loose”

1990: “Small country, what now?”

1994: “The soft cynicism”

1997: “against the tide”

2012: Co-author of the Liberal party’s classical liberal identity

Sources:,, the news agency Ritzau.

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