the Government is according to DR News ready to spend 230 million dollars to compensate the neighbors for the upcoming F-35 aircraft at Skrydstrup.

It appears by a draft of an agreement, as the media has come in possession of.

the Government will, with the allocated amount of money could compensate 1600 neighbours, who are affected by the noise from the 27 new fighter aircraft on the base Fighter Wing Skrydstrup.

It is, according to DR News a significant expansion of assistance to støjramte neighbours compared with the previous VLAK-government initiatives.

The then government put up to use 30 million on a compensation scheme.

According to the draft will help to be targeted homes in the two zones.

the Homes in the red zone are closest to flyvestationen, and 117 properties according to the draft could get the part in the help.

Residents in this zone can either choose to receive compensation in the form of noise isolation or choose to let their properties purchase.

the Offer will be valid for ten years.

The yellow zone includes approximately 1500 homes in a larger area around the flyvestationen. Here, residents will be offered noise isolation.

the Agreement on the assistance for the støjramte neighbors are not yet negotiated completely in place.

the Danish people’s defense, Bent Bøgsted, overall satisfied with the present draft agreement.

– In relation to what the previous government put forward, then it is a massive improvement.

– the area in which The compensation is paid, is substantially expanded, and it is positive, says Bent Bøgsted to Ritzau.

There is, however, according to forsvarsordføreren also room for improvement.

– There are some corners by Skrydstrup and some other towns, as we must have looked at.

And so, we should have looked more closely at how and how it is here compensation must be paid. We are also not entirely agreed on, says Bent Bøgsted.

Defence minister Trine Team (S) of the DR News wanted to comment on the contents of the draft agreement.

– We are in full swing with work to agree a støjkompensationsmodel for the benefit of the neighbors. But we are not finished yet. In government we have made very careful to find a fair model.

– I do not think it is proper that the citizens should read about fragments leaked in the press, she writes in a written reply to DR News.

set aside 20 billion for the procurement and operation of the new F-35 fighter aircraft, which is expected to be used in the Danish air force in the years 2021 to 2026.