In the midst of controversy over the agreement between PP and Vox to remove the ‘sexist’ label from the banner that presides over the rallies in front of Les Corts Valencianes to repudiate gender violence, the popular Valencians took off yesterday with an initiative “against the process of amnesty to those who advocate the fracture of Spain”.

Already on Monday, the president of the Generalitat Valenciana and leader of the PP in the Valencian Community, Carlos Mazón, took advantage of the celebration of Catalonia’s Day and the meeting of the National Board of Directors to show his full support for Alberto Nuñez Feijóo and try to transfer to Valencia the state debate.

Mazón defended his national leader’s refusal to give in to the demands of the Catalan independence movement to facilitate an investiture: “If separatism sits at a table in the Congress of Deputies with Feijóo and says Països Catalans, Feijóo gets up from the table and he leaves. If separatism tells Sánchez Països Catalans, Sánchez gets up, but to run and look for a pen and sign in white.”

The strategy of introducing national controversies into the agenda already went very well for the PPCV during the regional campaign and helped Carlos Mazón win the Generalitat despite the good numbers of the Botànic government. Now, with a possible amnesty law that divides the socialists, it seems that the PP is going to try to dominate the debates and contain the opposition.

Along these lines, the popular spokesperson in Les Corts, Miguel Barrachina, announced yesterday that this week his group will present a Non-Law Proposition “so that it can be debated in the first plenary session in which it has a place.”

The initiative – which proposes the rejection of the process intended by the amnesty “for those who illegally called a referendum on secession, division and fracture of the historic Spanish nation” – is expected to be debated in the first week of October, between two relevant anniversaries such as the referendum of October 1 and October 9, day of the Valencian Community. In addition, the investiture debate will be held on September 26 and 27, and the second vote will be on the 29th.

The popular ones justify the presentation of the PNL and its debate in Les Corts Valencianes by understanding that the demands of the independentists harm Valencians.

“From the popular group we are against these negotiations in exchange for amnesty for two reasons: first for Spaniards, because they are negotiating with a fugitive from Spanish justice, and secondly for Valencians, because all the decisions of Catalan separatism are always contrary to the interests, independence and personality of Valencia,” Barrachina said.

However, no one is aware that what the PP is interested in, as the PP spokesperson himself admitted, is “that all the groups in the chamber vote and take a position on a possible amnesty for those who intend to raise borders and those who with their language “They hurt us by inventing daydreams of the Catalan Countries that have never existed nor will exist.” The Catalan debate, which the PP understands gives it electoral revenue, has always served the popular PP to incite its political rivals and has become an asset as seen this summer with the issue of language, the AVL or the use of co-official languages ​​in congress.