The preparation of the 2024-2027 Mandate Plan is based on the document “Let’s join together so that Mataró wins: municipal agreement for a city with opportunities for all” signed before the plenary session of the constitution of the Mataró City Council (Maresme) by the two groups that make up the Government Municipal. This is the roadmap that will guide municipal action in the next four years and is also linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the actions included in the Action Plan of the 2030 Urban Agenda. The Action Plan Mandate is structured into 6 axes, 24 lines and 77 actions that take shape in 214 projects, which will have 102 million euros for investments in the next four years.

Urban transformation is a key piece of this planning and affects the entire city: the seafront, the regeneration of neighborhoods, the Downtown Impulse Plan or the development of different strategic sectors. This highlights the improvement of the entrance to the city from the N-II highway or the Ronda Barceló, also with the transformation of the Sorrall area and the Cirera highway. Along the same lines, the regeneration of neighborhoods such as Cerdanyola, Rocafonda or Palau is proposed. Finally, the city aspires to become a central node of relations with the territory based on its status as the capital of the region and with the establishment of ties with the entire metropolitan area.

In the area of ??security, municipal policies emphasize coexistence as a basis. The community policing model and coordination with the different police forces that provide response capacity in risk and emergency situations will be supported. In this sense, Mataró will finish planning the Video Surveillance Plan by installing cameras in the missing control points and, when it is fully deployed, it will incorporate this technology into the daily routine of the local police. Likewise, this year the new anti-occupation office, agreed with the PP, will be organized.

On the economic side, it is planned to promote initiatives that lead towards a dynamic and diversified economy that promotes innovation, the creation of decent and quality employment, maintaining a balance between urban development and the preservation of cultural and natural heritage. There will be an impact on sustainable mobility by promoting environmentally friendly means of transport, the green economy will be promoted by promoting a change in the productive model in which sustainability is prioritized and a zero waste strategy will be adopted that demonstrates the city’s commitment. with responsible management of resources. Finally, strategic lines will be deployed with actions towards accessible housing, the increase of green areas and the promotion of the renaturalization of the city.

As reflected in the Urban Agenda Action Plan, health will be the guiding thread in the design and deployment of priority actions. Emphasis will be placed on inclusive education, attention and care for the elderly, sports practice will be promoted and culture will be made available to everyone.

Regarding issues of municipal organization, the process of organizational change of the City Council will continue, an opportunity to adjust internal structures and processes with the aim of better responding to the needs of the community. The intention is to generate better conditions so that municipal action multiplies its effects and impacts in the city for the benefit of the general well-being of the population.

The Mandate Plan is presented accompanied by the 2023-2027 Investment Plan. The forecast is that the City Council, Aigües de Mataró and PUMSA will allocate 102.6 million euros to investment in the next four years, among which the Re-Natura project, the video surveillance master plan, the cover of the Cirera runway, the redevelopment of Argentona street or the urban planning of Sorrall and the Cirera road, as well as actions to improve the N-II and the urbanization of the Iveco-Pegaso sector.