How often should one change underwear?

And before you respond ‘uh, every day, of course’, so please read on.

in a new study to match each fourth man that they ‘often’ or ‘always’ go in their knickers multiple days in a row, before they throw them into the wash.

the Survey is conducted by undertøjsfirmaet Undy among 303 men, who use the company’s subscriptions, and are thus not fully representative.

But a study from 2013 conducted by the research Cint among approx. 1000 danes aged 18 to 80 years reached exactly the same conclusion.

Here answered 24 percent of the men, that they spent their knickers more than one day. The same was true for nine percent of the women.

Are you one of the 25 percent that goes into recycling, you can be happy that you’re not necessarily putting your health at risk by going in the same boxers for several days in a row.

It says Thomas Bjarnsholt, professor, ph.d. and dr.with. at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at Copenhagen University and perhaps the leading vasketøjekspert.

– It is not dangerous. It’s mostly just obnoxious, ” he says with a laugh, to Ekstra Bladet.

– But it is one’s own bacteria, unless it is somebody else’s knickers, he adds tænksomt.

Completely non-hazardous, however, it is not.

– Purely hypothetical, you should not have too many faecal bacteria in the vicinity of the penis. So can you get cystitis says Thomas Bjarnsholt.

He stresses that it actually is more relevant for women who have a shorter urethra and therefore more often get cystitis.

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In the Undys study the equivalent of 6 percent that they are going with their knickers multiple days in a row, after which they turn them inside out.

however, It is completely wrong, if you ask Thomas Bjarnsholt.

– no, no, No. So you get the contaminated of his jeans, if there are bacteria that gets around. It is even more obnoxious. Then you start to get a problem, because most people wash pants at 60 degrees, he says.

– It is not what makes me most proud of my gender, he adds.

Photo credit: Camilla Stephan

– Now mention you vasketemperaturer. Do you think that everyone knows that lingerie should be washed at 60 degrees?

– I do not think that people know it. I had a long discussion with staff at the Kingdom about whether to wash the underpants at 60 degrees. But it must therefore, he strikes fast.

– Noted. And just for the record – how often you change you underwear?

– Daily basis.

How to wash your clothes properly

Underwear must be washed at 60 degrees

the Only exception is your expensive silkeundertøj, if you have the kind

the Underwear can easily be washed along with the towels and bed linen, as the bacteria are killed at 60 degrees

Remember to leave the door to the washing machine and the dispenser open, so that you avoid the development of bacteria, when the machine is not in use

Use vinegar or citric acid to eliminate bacteria and lime

See also: Scientists: Knickers should be washed at 60 degrees

In the autumn came vaskevaner in the degree agenda in the popular tv programme ‘Married at first sight’, when Claus and Henriette ended up in a heated discussion about the dish towels and numsebakterier.

Claus felt that it was fine to wash underwear and towels together at 40 degrees, while Henriette was of a different opinion.

– Try to hear. I know what I’m talking about!, explained Henriette Hansen Extra Magazine.

Henriette and Claus were married last year in the DR’s popular kærlighedseksperiment. Photo: DR

She believes, like Thomas Bjarnsholt – to underhylere and kitchen linen can only be washed together if the temperature reaches at least 60 degrees.

And she knows what she is talking about. She learned namely to wash clothes at a post-secondary education.

– So I’ve seen the kind of bacteria through the microscope, she added with a big grin.

Her good arguments bounced off the dog on her then-husband, Claus Henriksen.

I share not her fear of numsebakterier! If things become too sterile, we are just sick. Our immune system must have something to work with, he explained to Ekstra Bladet in november.

the Pair, who fought with both the distance and the divergent attitudes to the laundry, went from each other in October.

Film, tv & radio – 26. oct. 2019 – at. 10:20 Definitely come to an end: We are not lovers anymore