It is something of a career transition Kaspar Colling Nielsen has thrown itself in.

From 1.October change he life out as writers the author of the official. More specifically, he must be a speechwriter for the environment minister Dan Jørgensen.

It writes the Danish Newspaper Politiken.

– I’m really really excited about it here. Partly because I get to work with the biggest crisis that we have in our life find ourselves in. But partly also because I get to learn a lot of new things, ” says Kasper Colling Nielsen for the Extra Magazine.

He tells that he sought the position advertised and therefore was not dotted on the shoulder in advance.

– well, I have met Dan Jørgensen a few times, but it is not because I know him at all.

the Author, who among other things is behind the books ‘The Danish civil war 2018-24’ and The ‘European Spring’, is educated Cand.merc.file from the CBS. He reckons, however, not to join in the Party:

– I have not done it here of party-political interests. I have only applied for the post, because I’m terribly curious about how we get to grips with the climate issue. It is just something I simply will have to do. I have a huge desire to know more about this subject. I do not know if I can find it, but I’m very concerned about the climate crisis. And I think, absolutely, that Dan Jørgensen is the man with the most ambitious plan to date.

What do you think will be the biggest transformation?

– I’ve been my own boss, in the small 10 years. So I must definitely find out to be included in a larger team. It gets quite wild, he says.