new year’s Eve is for most people synonymous with scream, yell, party and colours, but as Keld and Hilda Heick has passed the 70, begins to reason to take over.

– There is not so much svingen around with dance and something more. After all, we are been some old people, everyone. Not to say helgamle. So it is most just socialize and talk about the year that has passed, and how it goes with health, it tells Hilda Heick to Ekstra Bladet.

– We are only seven. It is someone who falls from gradually. It is not like in the old days, where the house looks like a fallen circus the next day.

See also: Annette Heick admits: – Actually I’m a little wretched mother

31. January offers no major surprises for the Danish kendispar, which celebrates the end of the year with a solid team of friends every time.

– We help each other out with the things that are. I’m doing the main course this year, and comes with dessert and another with forretten. So we are enjoying, eat good food and talk, tells Hilda Heick.

– We will meet of course, before the queen’s new year speech, so that we can achieve to be in place. You should experience the queen’s new year speech. It is a must.

On the question of whether they open the champagne for the speech, or waiting for midnight, Hilda Heick ready in broker:

– We open the champagne for the queen’s new year speech, and then we have another bottle for at 24.00.

See also: DR have found the William Heicks successor

Majesties ‘ judgment over the year, however, is not the only highlight, the family Heick look forward to.

– Then sing we of course also on ‘Kong Christian’ and ‘Der er et yndigt land’. Afterwards we call our different children and excellent, and say happy new year. So we know that the young people partying on, and we sit down and eat sweets and French fries, says Hilda Heick, before she with a laugh, adding:

– So when you when you need to book a taxi, and it is purely impossible. So, it is actually the taxi, which determines how long the party pulls out.

See also: Annette Heick infecting the children